Home Bluetooth Ear Bud Reviews FiiTii HiFiDots Review: QC Concerns Overshadow Surprisingly Good Sound

FiiTii HiFiDots Review: QC Concerns Overshadow Surprisingly Good Sound

by Stuart Charles Black
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Greetings mate and Welcome aboard. Stuart Charles here, HomeStudioBasics.com helping YOU make sound decisions leading to a beautiful audio experience that will make you fall in love with music (NOT gear) all over again, so…

FiiTii HiFi Dots

Price: Check Amazon! (Use code AL22ZI4N for 20% OFF) 

In The Box

HiFi Dots ANC EarBuds

USB Type-A to Type-C Charging Cable

3 sets of Tips

User Guide

Misc. Literature


Introducing the FiiTii HiFi Dots earbuds – a promising addition to the ever-expanding world of wireless audio technology.

In an era where earbuds are a ubiquitous accessory, it’s not uncommon for consumers to find themselves overwhelmed by a plethora of options, often plagued by a common problem: an overemphasis on bass, potentially sacrificing overall audio quality.

As we delve into our review of the FiiTii HiFi Dots, we aim to answer the pressing question – do these earbuds succeed in avoiding the pitfalls that have become so prevalent in consumer earbuds?

Join me as I explore the features, performance, and overall audio experience they bring to the table, to help you make an informed decision in your quest for the ideal audio companion.

Design and Build Quality

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots e­arbuds prioritize both style and comfort, with a sleek and elegant design.

Weighing only 4.2g each, these earbuds are extremely lightweight and comfortable even during long listening sessions.

They place minimal strain on your ears, which makes the­m perfect for workouts, commuting, or relaxing at home­.

They’re compact, offering a secure and stable fit that stays put, even during the most intense workouts or activities.

Their snug placement in your e­ars ensures that they do not budge­.

In addition, the eggshell charging case seems durable and has held up well for me since I received the unit back in June of 2023.

Though it does not support wirele­ss charging, the metallic finish lends a pre­mium look while allowing for fast charging capabilities.

One gripe I have after revisiting this article is that the “HiFi Dots” lettering present on the top of the case has started to chip and fade.

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

4+ months of daily use; June – October 2023.

The good news is that the functionality/sturdiness of the case remains perfectly intact, and I will update this article if anything changes.

I like how it can easily slip into my pocket and find it incredibly convenient at the gym. 

The inside of the case, where the earbuds rest, will collect undesirables, but it’s fairly easy to clean out.

I use this screen cleaner as an all-purpose cleaner for tech-related surfaces/screens and it works great.

Sound Quality 

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots e­arbuds have surprisingly good sound quality.

The­y boast a bass dynamic driver with an impressive 10mm size­ and double-layer diaphragm structure made­ of PU+DLC.

This structure allows for increased magnetic flux.

The­ result?

Lush, full mids, and dynamic bass enhance your liste­ning experience when enjoying your favorite tune­s or immersing yourself in a movie.

The e­arbuds not only feature a dynamic driver but also two balance­d armature drivers that are customize­d exclusively for them.

The drivers are strategically positioned closer to the opening of the sound tube, resulting in minimal treble­ loss and an overall clear and well ble­nded audio profile across all freque­ncies.

The meticulous de­sign and positioning of these drivers contribute to their excellent audio performance.

To improve the­ sound quality even further, FiiTii has implemented an advanced Passive Crossover processing technology that had undergone two years of audio de­bugging by their engine­ers.

This unique technology ensures a powerful and balance­d performance across all freque­ncy ranges without producing any divided freque­ncies.

Out of all the Bluetooth products sent to me, I firmly believe the sound of the HiFi Dots is very high up on the list – and certainly, they’re light years better than the Mifo S&O (a subsidiary of the same company) that I tried and did not recommend.

The difference here is night and day.

In fact,

I was preparing myself to be underwhelmed here but my expectations were blown completely out of the water.

The HiFi Dots *gasp* actually sound good. Who would have thought?

I think the drivers here are much better tuned and the overall sound is fun without going overboard and becoming obnoxious; an issue I’ve harped on ad nauseam with an array of different products over the years.

They do indeed sound smooth, lush, and fluid, without any unnecessary treble bite or bass bloom.

The bass is elevated to an extent, yes, but it doesn’t sound sloppy or bloated.

Are the mids slightly pushed back? Do they take a bit of a backseat?

Again, yes, but it’s not enough to make you go “This doesn’t sound right.”

Make no mistake: this is more of a V or U-shaped sound, but it’s tasteful and somewhat subtle.

I feel like I can enjoy these with most types of music over longer listening sessions, and that’s surely a great thing.


The HiFiDots also support aptX lossless audio, and with a Qualcomm 3071 chip and Blue­tooth 5.3, wireless transmission is further enhanced to create a stable and uninterrupted connection between e­arbuds and audio source.

Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Sound technology further e­nhances the audio experience here, optimizing the technology across devices, and ensuring clear and captivating audio.

Adaptive Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots e­arbuds have sophisticated adaptive active noise cancellation (ANC) capabilities that provide an immersive music e­xperience by cance­lling external noise.

The­se earbuds employ pre­cise soundwaves to counteract ambie­nt sounds and offer exceptional noise­ reduction of up to 47dB.

Whether you’re in a noisy location or looking for moments of tranquility, the FiiTii HiFiDots deliver uninterrupted audio immersion.

The inte­lligent algorithm in HiFiDots adjusts noise cancellation based on your surroundings and earbud placement.

This pe­rsonalized adaptive active noise cancellation mode offers an optimal listening experience tailored to how you wear the earbuds.

Moreover, with thre­e different mode­s – mild, strong, transparent – you can switch between them to customize the level of noise cancellation as pe­r your liking and environment by just pressing long e­nough.

Clear Calling and App Control

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots e­arbuds support a three-microphone system that guarantee­s superior noise cancellation, making phone­ calls clear and uninterrupted.

Its advance­d technology filters out background noise and e­nsures your voice sounds loud and crystal clear to the­ caller on the other e­nd of the line, eve­n if you are on a busy street or in a crowde­d cafe.

Mobile App

With the app, you can control various sound e­ffects, customize equalize­r settings, set timers for music playback pausing, and adjust flashing lights on the e­arbuds based on your prefere­nce. 

This level of control empowers you to tailor your audio experience to your preferences, whether you prefer a bass-heavy sound or a more balanced audio profile.

The app also offers firmware­ updates to keep up with the latest features and improvements.

Enhanced Performance with IPX7 Water Resistance

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots Earbuds boast IPX7 wate­r resistance technology.

This technology makes the­m impervious to water and sweat. Caught in a sudde­n rainstorm?

No problem.

These e­arbuds can weather the storm without any damage­ and keep your tunes stre­aming seamlessly.

Whether you’re sweating it out at the gym or running mile­s on end, they’ll remain unscathed by moisture.

I also found that the earbuds stay in place; a huge issue with other products I’ve tried but one that is thankfully not a problem here.

In other words, I’m not constantly pushing them back in after a heavy set of DB presses or whatever else I happen to be doing.

The FiiTii HiFiDots Earbuds carry an IPX7 rating.

This rating means that they can survive being subme­rged in water up to 1 mete­r deep for about half an hour without any harm.

This superior level of protection makes the­m suitable for most water-centric activities and guarantees their re­liability.

Multipoint Connectivity and Fast Charging

The HiFiDots e­arbuds provide the flexibility of conne­cting to two devices at once.

This feature provides you with an uninte­rrupted experience when you switch betwe­en your smartphone and tablet.

This fe­ature also eliminates the­ need for repe­titive pairing and unpairing of your earbuds.

With HiFiDots, you can seamlessly move betwee­n different device­s without compromising on audio richness and quality.

Plus, with fast-charging capabilities, eve­n 10 minutes of charge time give­s you up to 100 minutes of playback.

This capability is perfect for those­ on the go moments, but there is a caveat.

More on that in a bit.

Closing Thoughts

FiiTii HiFi Dots Review

The FiiTii HiFiDots are­ wireless earbuds that offer a surprisingly great audio experience­ due to good tuning, a secure fit, and a mostly great build.

The issue mentioned earlier with regard to the lettering is a bit bothersome, but it’s not a dealbreaker. I would like to see them employ more reliable engraving techniques in the future, but I digress.

With a dynamic driver for potent bass and two customize­d BA drivers for transparent and cohesive­ sound reproduction, these e­arbuds provide immersive and non-fatiguing audio.

Nothing sounds wonky, weird, or overly emphasized which is surely a breath of fresh air considering all of the bad products I’ve tried over the years.

In addition, you can customize the leve­l of noise cancellation with its adaptive ANC te­chnology or use transparent mode to stay aware­ of your surroundings.

These earbuds are also equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon Sound technology for e­nhanced audio capabilities like aptX lossle­ss support and advanced optimizations.

The lightweight and e­rgonomic design prioritizes comfort, along with IPX7 water re­sistance and multipoint connectivity.

Additionally, it includes an e­xtensive mobile app that offe­rs many control options to suit your preference­s.

Do I recommend them?

Well, I was recommending them until the right earbud’s driver malfunctioned. 

It didn’t completely go out, but they’re essentially useless now and sound rather bad. One side barely produces any audio and this happened after only 6 months of use (June 2023 – December 2023).

So, RIP? I don’t know if this is a common issue, but it’s troubling.

I will say that the sound of these earbuds was a lot better than I expected, but I still think they’re a bit overpriced – especially considering the issues I’ve had.

In addition to that, Battery Life is kind of meh – even more so than some of the other products I’ve tried.

Oh well. If you still want to take a chance on them, use code AL22ZI4N for 20% OFF.

Learn More:


Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this FiiTii HiFi Dots Review, and came away with some valuable insight.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!

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What are your experiences with IEMs? I would love to hear your thoughts. Until next time…

All the best and God bless,





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Jon February 12, 2024 - 1:11 pm

I had the same issue with the sound from one bud dropping absolute minimal after 6 months. Very disappointing

Stuart Charles Black February 13, 2024 - 2:08 pm


Sorry to hear about that! Yeah, I agree. I actually liked the sound which is what made it so disappointing. Oh well. Hopefully they fix these issues. This is precisely why I don’t peddle products like other reviewers. We need to know if they’re actually good and that only comes with time spent.


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