Home Beatmaking & Production How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio 21: QUICK AND PAINLESS

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio 21: QUICK AND PAINLESS

by Stuart Charles Black
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Greetings mate and Welcome aboard!

Stuart Charles here, HomeStudioBasics.com helping YOU make sound decisions, so…

The process of installing VST Plugins In FL Studio can be a bit confusing at first if you’re new to the program. If you are interested in the best plugins, consider checking out Integraudio to see an amazing assortment of them!

Fortunately for us, the process is quite seamless.

Let’s take a look.

Step 1

Find your VST.

I have all of my VSTs and Soundpacks organized into a specific folder, and I’d recommend you do the same!

FL Studio recognizes VSTs as .dll files, so make sure that they match accordingly.

Step 2

Open FL Studio > File > New From Template > Choose Empty.

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio

Hit F6 to bring up the channel rack.

Right-click the sampler > Insert > More Plugins.

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio

Scroll down to “Manage Plugins” on the bottom right.

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio

Now hit the small folder icon next to Plugin search paths to find your VST.

The folder will now be added to the path.

Make sure the settings are applied and the Verify Plugins button is enabled.

“Verify Plugins” essentially prevents errors when searching for new plugins.

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio

Using The Plugin

To use it, simply go to your Browser tab and hit the PLUGIN button.

Now find the plugin and drag it into the sampler. You’ll see its interface come up after it’s done loading.

Now you should be able to play the sounds from your MIDI keyboard.

How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio

How To Install VST Plugins In FL StudioIt’s really that simple!

How To Install The Addictive Keys Plugin From XLN Audio

This one is a bit trickier because when you download the plugins from their website, they go into a folder that can be hard to find on your PC.

In other words, the .dll files aren’t where you’d think they would be (in the folder labeled “Addictive Keys.”) They’re instead in C:/Program Files/Common Files/VST3/.

Go to Options > Manage Plugins and head to the very top left where it says “Find installed plugins.” Click that and it should automatically detect them.

This method will also work for anything else you’re having trouble finding.

Deleting Plugins

To delete a plugin, simply right-click from the above image and hit delete.

This removes the plugin from FL Studio, but if you want to completely remove it, you’ll have to delete it from the directory folder on your computer.

Wherever that is is up to you, but again, I would highly advise you to organize all VSTs into their own folder and not mess with it from there on out.

Are you ready for a sampling tutorial in FL Studio?


Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you enjoyed this quick guide on How To Install VST Plugins In FL Studio and came away with some valuable insight.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please leave a comment below or contact me! I would be happy to help in any way…

Are you ready to record some sounds? I would love to hear from you. Until next time…

All the best and God bless,





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