Home Headphone Comparisons Grado GS1000e vs. Sennheiser HD800 | MEATY DIFFERENCES!
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Greetings friend and Welcome aboard!!

Before we get into the Grado GS1000e vs. Sennheiser HD800, grab a snack, sit back and relax because..

You’ve come to the right place!!

What I will bring you in this review

Today I will provide a no non sense comparison of these two buddies, and then give a recommendation towards the end. ?

  1. Similarities & Differences
  2. Final Word

Now without further ado, let’s get rolling!!

Similarities & Differences


  • Both are open back dynamic headphones. Closed back vs. Open back headphones.
  • Both are Circumaural headphones that fit over your ear.
  • Both have a straight plug.
  • I’d say both have an analytical type sound that works well for mixing/mastering.


  • Soundstage. The Sennheiser HD800 has just about the widest and most open soundstage around. The GS1000e definitely has a good one, but it’s not nearly as open or wide as the 800. What is Soundstage?
  • Treble. I would say both are very treble oriented and have a lot of sparkle and brightness, but the main gripe with the HD800 was that it was very sibilant and harsh. The GS1000e is not. In fact, out of all of Grado’s e series line, it’s the headphone that stands out as striking a near perfect balance of being very bright without becoming fatiguing.
  • Frequency Response. The GS1000e is 8-25kHz, while the HD800 is 6-51kHz.
  • Weight. 312g for the GS1000e vs. 330g for the HD800.
  • Impedance/Amp. The GS1000e has a 32 Ohm impedance and will not need an amp, while the HD800 has a 300 Ohm impedance and most definitely will. It’s also very picky about which amp you choose. How to choose a Headphone Amp!
  • Cable. The HD800 has a detachable cable while the GS1000e does not. The HD800’s cable is 3m compared to 2m for the GS1000e. Also, the cable for the GS1000e terminates in a 1/4″ jack and will need a separate 3.5mm adapter. This is very unconventional, as most headphones terminate in a 3.5mm jack and come with a 1/4″ adapter. The HD800 is an example of the traditional style.
  • Sensitivity. The GS1000e has a 99.8dB/mW Sound pressure level, while the HD800’s is 102dB/mW. What is Sensitivity in Headphones?

Final Word

If you need a headphone for rock, metal, and all things guitar, the GS1000e is the way to go. It’s ideal for plugging into any source, but just be aware that if you’re going to use your phone with it, the 3.5mm adapter is mandatory.


Don’t want to pay the money for the GS1000e? The Grado SR80e will get you 90-95% of the Grado sound at a ridiculous price. Interested?


If you’re looking for a reference headphone that works well with most genres, the HD800 is Sennheiser’s flagship model. Just be aware that it is amp picky, and will not sound good without an amp under any circumstance.


Well that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this Grado GS1000e vs. Sennheiser HD800 comparison.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!

What do you think about these? Which is worth the investment? Until next time..

All the best and God bless,





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