Hi friend and Welcome!
I have the best recommendation for you today regarding the best headphones for mixing under $100! Before we get into the specifics, grab a snack, sit back and relax because..
You’ve come to the right place!!
What I will bring you in this article
- Introduction
- The Sony MDR V6
- Final Word & Link to Official Review
Now without further ado, let’s get started!
I’ve done quite a bit of research on headphones in general, so I have a pretty good idea of some of the more popular options, especially in the under $100 range. Because there’s such an influx of people looking for good cans at that price point, there’s also a lot of good information.
When I first started out, I invested in a pair of Sony MDR 7506’s. I will go ahead and get this out of the way now; The 7506’s and V6’s are almost identical. I’m recommending the V6 today because it’s been around a little longer, and overall it’s a tinge flatter across the spectrum. The V6 just has a little more bass. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the 7506 however. They improved my mixes tremendously, and are an industry standard for a reason.
Check out the Sony MDR V6 vs. MDR 7506!
The MDR V6
In short, these are almost completely flat and neutral, with a little less bass and pronunciation in the mid and treble range than the 7506. The difference is ever so subtle. The reason Sony came out with the 7506 was basically to appease the masses. They wanted less bass, and more clarity in the treble (but not for enjoyment). This is what makes the 7506 both a blessing and a curse; A blessing because you can literally hear everything that’s going on. It’s no surprise this is the reason that my mixes improved so much. I was able to really find even the smallest errors in a recording, and fix them faster.
The curse is that having such a pronounced high end invariably leads to sibilance. What does Sibilant mean? I could seldom mix on these for long periods of time because they were simply too harsh and shrill. If you decide to go the 7506 route, just be prepared to take frequent breaks, as the sound will start to sort of get trapped inside of your head (not uncommon for closed back models actually).
Closed back vs. Open back headphones.
Is the V6 the absolute flattest sound for under $100? No. The Shure SRH440 may be flatter, but it’s not the best, and doesn’t get the top spot because of build/comfort issues.
Check out my Shure SRH440 Review!
Final Word
People will go back and forth all day on which is better. The bottom line? The differences are so slight that it really doesn’t matter. I’m recommending the V6 because of a longevity factor that I didn’t see in the 7506, as well as the V6’s overall flatter sound due to a more realistic bass response. Both stand the test of time, but the V6 has been around since the ’70s. That’s a true testament to their staying power and relevance in the industry. Want to learn more?
Well friend, I hope you now have a clear idea of the best headphones for mixing!
If you have any questions, comments, requests, or ways I can improve the article or this site, leave a comment below or Contact me! I would love to hear from you..
Until then, all the best and God bless,
Can’t decide which headphones to purchase? Interested in a complete buyers guide outlining over 40 of the best options on the market? Click on over to the best audiophile headphones to learn more!!
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