Home Genre Series The 16 BEST Headphones For Hip-Hop & Bass [Definitive Guide]

The 16 BEST Headphones For Hip-Hop & Bass [Definitive Guide]

by Stuart Charles Black
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This is part 6 in a 7-part series on Genre, which takes a nostalgic look at some of my personal experiences with various types of music, games, and pop culture over the years. Check out the others if you would like! Suggestions for how to improve? Contact me or leave a comment below!

  1. The Best Headphones for Jazz
  2. The Best Headphones for Classical
  3. The Best Headphones for Rock
  4. The Best Headphones for Metal
  5. The Best Headphones for Pop
  6. The Best Headphones for Hip-Hop (This article)
  7. The Best Headphones For Folk

Before we get into the best headphones for Hip-Hop, grab a snack, sit back, and relax because…

I’m Here To Help!

Note: I was going to update my article on the best headphones for bass, but since all of the headphones in this article are the same ones I’d recommend in that article, I figured it didn’t make sense.

So look at this post as the best for bass and hip-hop!


I want you to trust me because I’m not going to steer you wrong. By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly why these headphones are the best for bass and hip-hop and why I chose them.

In other words, there are a few good ways to tune the low end, but what do all good headphones for bass have in common?

Today we’re going to delve deep into it.

And don’t worry, this list won’t be a copy-pasted website with a bunch of random awful headphones thrown at a wall like tomatoes in order to make lots of affiliate commissions off of unsuspecting noobs. *deep breath*

So stick around like scotch tape and let’s go over them now.

Note: I will place a list of considerations you should make towards the end, after the headphones that made the cut. At the very very end, I talk about some of my experiences with the genre for those who really love reading my content.

Entry Level ($100 and below)


Grado SR60e

Price: Check Amazon! | Official Review: Here!

Grado SR60e vs. 80e

Some of my regulars may read this and go, EEEEEWWWWWHHAAAAAAA?!!!?

Other Grado fanboys may wet themselves with delight. Whatever.

Grado Grah-do, potato pot-ah-to.

I’ve said it for a few years and still stand by it; I don’t hate Grado headphones.

The walls and walls of inane text I get (that I never read) on some YouTube videos would say otherwise, and part of the reason is because Grado homies get their panties in a twist over the slightest little negative remark about their precious Grado headphones.

I just think that for the most part, they’re overpriced, have glaring issues, and are a perfect example of diminishing returns.

In other words,

as you move up the line, the sound doesn’t improve at all, and if it does even a little bit, you’re still paying exorbitant prices for what may just be a placebo; or pad discrepancies.

That said, I’ve always liked the 60e because it’s pretty cheap and sounds excellent FOR THE MOST PART.

The 2kHz issue has always been there, but these do work incredibly well for Hip-Hop all things considered.

In fact,

I think the 60e is great for a few genres specifically: Rock, Metal, and Hip-Hop, with Jazz/Classical close behind.

The bass is really articulate and has nice impact without sounding bloated, the transient response is extremely fast and snappy, and the treble has plenty of sparkle and detail though it does get essy fairly quickly.

As you’ll come to learn in this article, I only recommend headphones that follow one of the preferred bass curves. Anything that deviates outside of those parameters is probably trash, and you should avoid it like the plague. You wanted the truth, right?

Grado’s SR60e follows a real neat curve, (and sounds excellent in practice) so on the list it goes. It’s one of those bass responses that’s kind of a cross between “subtle” and, “this has clear slam.”

Graph: Crinacle

Super natural bass goodness, smooth, and tight.

And that’s what makes it so juicy. You can hear individual notes incredibly well, but there’s a sense that the bass has just enough punch to keep you bobbing your melon.

If I could quote AZ for a second, “And that’s what this is all about, right?”

The Soundstage is also above average, but don’t expect K702 width or anything.

I’d say it can be slightly “out of your head” at times but the spacing and separation between instruments is very good.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like


Yes, it’s over the top.

Yes, it’s too much.

Yes, it almost ruins these headphones, but you can always EQ it down.

A 10 or so dB boost at basically one frequency in the entire spectrum is asking for problems down the road.

The cold hard truth about these is that when you first put them on your head, you’ll probably say something like “Omg, where have these headphones been all my life?!”

You’ll marvel at how good they sound.

But it only takes around 10 minutes for the bite and sibilance to kick in (plus the 2k shout), and after that, they become incredibly annoying.

Is that annoyance worth the price for the excellent bass response? Yeah, but only this one. This same sound as you move up the line (more or less) at $500 + just doesn’t work. I’m sorry.


Philips SHP9500

Price: Check Amazon! | Check B&H! | Official Review: Here!

Philips SHP9500 vs. 9600The 9500 makes almost every shortlist for best headphones and it doesn’t really matter what the category is.



Aside from because I said so, it’s because it works for a wide variety of genres and applications thanks to its open nature, crisp sound, neutral profile, exemplary resolution, incredible comfort, top-notch durability, and overall insane value.

I’ve had countless people message me about their first time with these and thank me profusely for recommending them.

If you come across some schmuck who doesn’t like the 9500, I’d be very wary of taking advice from that person as he’s probably a shill.

Haha jk.

But seriously.

It’s astounding how good this puppy really is, especially considering I got one for around $54 back in 2017. And guess what? I still own it and will never sell it ever for as long as I live.

Yes, the bass does roll-off, and you may be wondering why I’ve included it here.

Because it’s an open-back, some roll-off is to be expected, but the level of detail, articulation, and clarity the bass provides is mind-blowing.

Every bass note is rendered so beautifully that it may make your heart drop into your stomach as it did mine when I was listening to them with my old LG-X Charge phone and nothing else while I was lying in bed in my underwear. *deep breath*

This is definitely one of those “rediscover your old favorites + pee your pants” types of headphones, and if peeing in your pants is cool, consider ME Miles Davis.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

You already know. The treble has been accused of being overly bitey/hot/sibilant/insert word salad here _______.

Again, excusable at this price point and to be quite honest, I’ve always thought that claim was grossly exaggerated.

This dilemma is similar to the MDR-7506 in that, yes, you will hear some bite/essiness from time to time.

But again, pay attention to the track and how it was recorded because I can assure you, not all mixes are created equally.


Status Audio CB-1

Price: Check Amazon! | Official Review: Here!

The Best Headphones for Gaming

The CB-1 is a fantastic open sounding headphone.

The Status CB-1 was something of a surprise when it first came out even despite its obvious similarities to the M50x.

We’ve got pretty much the same design although these headphones are a bit bulkier than those and are made of 99% plastic (I believe the outside of the cup is metal or something).

They are also much more comfortable and don a different overall sound profile; one that opts for a larger Soundstage and a more toned-down signature.

In a nutshell, listening to the CB-1 actually feels like you’re hearing an open back.

It’s always been one of its biggest selling points and why I continue to recommend it to this day.

The other reason is its transparency and detail retrieval.

I firmly believe the CB-1 to be one of the best overall headphones for mixing at its price point as it reveals artifacts in music that I’ve simply never heard before in other headphones.

Like, the really strange shit.

It also works well for Hip-Hop because of the mud cut. Ah, the mud cut. You’ll be hearing these 2 words a lot. 

Graph: DIY Audio Heaven

This particular mud cut could stand to be a bit cutti-er, and driver matching could use a bit of work, but it’s still a mud cut, and Status seems to have a firm understanding of bass.

Regardless, you’ll love discovering elements of your favorite songs that were previously lost and/or thought absent.

The bass here hits just right. I don’t find it out of line and I can listen to my favorites for hours without fatigue.

A real treat indeed, you better believe.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

As much as I love the CB-1, it sometimes has this thin/hollow/papery quality to it and it’s quite difficult to explain.

Almost as if the headphones are missing a sense of “lushness” about them or something. They’re not scratchy or anything, just… overly airy or something. I hope that helped.

Still, it’s minor and can be largely overlooked at this price point.


Sony MDR-7506

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Official Review: Here!

Sony’s MDR-7506 is a studio headphone that’s been around for decades and remains relevant because its sound signature is excellent.

Specifically, the bass hits hard and has impact in all the right places while, again, cutting what needs to be cut. Remember our old pal, mud cut? This is the hallmark trait of great-sounding hip-hop, and the 7506 understands it well.

Are you noticing a trend in what constitutes solid low-end? It’s not a muddy, bloated mess in the mid-bass, and here, again, we again have a much-needed mud cut around 200-300Hz:

Graph: RTINGS.

Can you tell I’m trying to drive this mud cut point home?

Sadly, most companies boost this area into oblivion and wonder why I never recommend their headphones.

The mid-range and treble also contribute to the excellent overall sound, but I will caution you that the treble can get hissy and sibilant at times.

I do believe a lot of this depends on the track, but the graph above doesn’t lie; they will fatigue you. Not every track is like this, so please understand what I’m saying.

Still, I’d plan to at least think about EQing that area down a few dB since some artists artificially boost it in their mixes too much.

All of that said, if you’re into Hip-Hop but don’t want something that’s going to rattle your ears into oblivion, the 7506 is a fantastic solution!

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

It’s an excellent value and will always be, but keep in mind some potential pitfalls:


Comfort is hit and miss, and if I’m honest probably average to slightly below average.

When I was younger, I mixed on these until about 2-4 a.m. most nights, but I’m not sure I could do that nowadays.


The pads will flake and peel over time which can be incredibly annoying.

Fortunately, they are replaceable.

The pads on my 7506 also came loose from the headphones themselves, so keep that in mind as well. There’s a tiny slit that runs around the circumference of the cup, and the sliver of the pad rests inside. Over time, it can come out.

I didn’t have any issues with my V6, but I also didn’t use one every day given how many headphones I had at the time.


The coiled cable is a huge pain in the ass and will start to tangle in on itself after about a year or so.

I would love to see Sony come out with a revamped version of these headphones, making the cable detachable and adding a straight version in addition to upgrading the pad material.


Koss KPH30i

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Drop! | Official Review: Here!

Koss KPH30i ReviewWhat’s not to love about the 30i?

Yes, this dirt cheap product looks like it should be with all the other rejects hanging on the shelf in your local drug store, but don’t let its meager appearance fool you; this is an incredibly well-tuned headphone that competes with homies way out of its price range.

The audiophile hobby is filled to the brim with loads and loads of utter horseshit, but the hype surrounding the 30i was, is, and will always be warranted in my mind.

It’s something most people will agree on; unless of course, you happen to be this rascal:

Just, no. It’s not cloudy at all.

In addition to excellent tuning at this price point, the bass, mid-range, and treble all sound incredibly natural and well-controlled.


The bass opts for a boost in the regions that should be boosted (again, roughly 60-90Hz) followed by a mud cut around 200-300.

Yes, there is some roll-off below in the sub-area, but don’t freak out since you can’t hear frequencies below 40Hz anyway.

I would have liked to see a more drastic cut around the mud spots, but thankfully the 30i doesn’t sound muddy or bloomy and provides slam and impact without the bloat.

Graph: Crinacle

Seriously, they’re like $24 and have an almost perfect sound signature. Just buy them.


The mids are mostly handled well, but there is a pretty jarring cut at around 4kHz that doesn’t sound nearly as bad as it looks on a graph.

In fact, most people I’ve talked to and everything I’ve read seem to suggest that it’s not that noticeable, and I’ve experienced this too in my own listening.

In my opinion, the reason it doesn’t sound scooped is because the dip isn’t encompassing a wide range of frequencies; only 4k. And, typically, cutting 4kHz results in much less presence loss than say, 1-3.

Some even say it helps widen the Soundstage, but that’s up for debate. Even so, the 30i does have excellent Soundstage for an On-Ear so it’s entirely possible it was done for that reason.

Lastly, the headphone compensates by immediately boosting 5k.

As a producer, it’s pretty normal to cut and boost certain frequencies in this way, and it also makes sense from a listening standpoint. 

With the 30i, everything sounds correct and tonally accurate which is just another reason why you should stop reading this and buy one.

In fact, you may not even want to upgrade after these for a long time.

If you’re looking for a bass with impact that doesn’t sound forced, the 30i is perfect for hip-hop and happens to work with the majority of other genres as well.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

Nothing, really. I would suggest a pair of Yaxi pads to go with them, but they sound great as is too.

Mid-Fi ($100 – 300)



Price: Check Amazon! | Check Apos Audio! | Official Review: Here!

HIFIMAN HE400se ReviewThe 400se is a headphone that tends to do well for most genres but also should be considered for hip-hop due to its dope bass response as it neither sounds too aggressive nor too rolled off.

This is the point where we’re starting to delve into deeper, more articulate bass reproduction that you can clearly hear is superior to stuff in the lower-priced tiers.

In fact, the 400se is my top overall recommendation in mid-fi and should be high on your list of considerations for all types of music.

I think if you’re a Hip-Hop head who’s looking for a more neutral and natural response to your listening experience, the 400se is likely your best bet as you’ll be able to listen for hours without fatigue.

Its bass response follows one of our preferred curves, but it’s more of a flat line with some roll-off in the sub-regions.

Graph: Crinacle

Just what the doctor ordered. Flat lines around the mud regions are fine; just make sure they aren’t boosted into oblivion.

And, for a headphone around $109, the 400se’s resolution annihilates most headphones in its price bracket and many above.

Keep in mind that when I first heard this sound around 2017, it was through the OG 400i; at that time priced at roughly $449!

The fact that HIFIMAN makes this fantastic sound accessible to the average person is truly remarkable and they deserve all the credit in the world for it.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like


The glue issue on the pads is something I’ve discussed ad-nausea, so if you’re interested in that, have a gander at the review.


HIFIMAN’s mid-range has always been somewhat of a minor complaint amongst users, and I can certainly empathize with that notion as I felt like the Sundara also suffered from it.

In other words,

the mids sometimes feel too laid back, almost lulling you to sleep.

Voices and instruments can sound a bit distant and lack certain energy.

Not only can this be heard, but it can clearly be seen on pretty much every graph no matter the headphones, and the 400se is no different.

After 1kHz is usually when they opt for a gradual decline into 2kHz, which then comes back up around 3.

This may or may not bother you, but it’s something to keep in mind.


Beyerdynamic DT770

Price: Amazon! |  Check Sweetwater! | Check Drop! | Official Shootout: Here!

Beyerdynamic DT 770 80 Ohm vs. 250 Ohm

This is likely the closest direct competitor to the M50x and has also soared in popularity in recent years.

I’d say the 770 is the audiophile version while the 50x is geared more toward the average consumer.

It also happens to be light years more comfortable and utilizes velour padding vs. the faux leather of the 50x.

The 2 headphones are similar in many ways although the 770 is a little more V-shaped and isn’t ashamed at all about its bass shelf, this time opting for a roughly 7dB bump around 50-60Hz and some form of elevation with regard to the entirety of the low-end response.

Is it a bit overdone like your mom’s meatloaf?

Maybe, but I’m keeping it on the list because it follows the rules. Remember the mud cut I’ve been harping on throughout this write-up?

Yup, the 770 abides too:

Graph: Crinacle

There is a method to my “madness”, dear reader. 

If you know what bass is supposed to sound like, you will always, always without question do a mud cutty mc cutterson mud cut if boosting the sub-bass.

Yes, that bass boost is somewhat extreme, but the mud cut man! xD


Share if you caught that reference.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

The treble is also bright-ish but surprisingly I didn’t find these completely over the top or jarring; likely because they opt to dip 10kHz which, in my experience over the years does work better.

Some air after 10k is a better way to do it because you get the sparkle without the bite. And whether I’m wrong or I’m right, you gotta admit this bar was tight. ITE?


Audio Technica ATH-M50x

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Official Review: Here!

The Best Headphones for Hip-Hop

There’s nothing quite like your first love.

Hey, wow.

Guess what?

The M50x isn’t overrated; it’s actually good. 

But guess why? It’s not because everyone said it was good, even though if everyone says something’s good there’s a good chance it’s good. But not always.

Remember, the 50x’s overall 4.7/5 (Subject to change but probably not) is out of over 26,000 reviews. You know, back when real people reviewed things and shills didn’t get paid to shill things that aren’t good (cough A5 cough). The 50x is good to most people, regardless of any so-called “audiophile’s” opinion.

And the real reason it’s good?

In a surprise to absolutely no one, it’s the mud cut bro! 

Yes, many wow. The running theme continues now. And I get to do another one of those things where I show another mud cut for all to see:

Graph: Crinacle

So if you want me to recommend your bassy-ass headphones, try a mud cut! They work wonders.

Anyone trashing the 50x point blank does not know what they are talking about. It’s a somewhat intense version of a basshead sound that works, but thank God it’s not a Meze 99 Neo (BARF).

So yeah, here’s an example of what NOT to do:

See how they completely ignored the cut until it was too late? Yes, you’re seeing that correctly; 200-300Hz is boosted by roughly 10-12db (!!!), in addition to literally everything else.

SO yeah, no. It sounds like complete dog shit and will destroy your hearing faster than you can count to potato.


By contrast, the 50x’s shelf can come down a couple of dB if you want (similar to a 770), but it’s still not going to rattle your ears until you can’t hear anything. That’s reserved for the worst of the worst.

As the years go by,

I still can’t think of many headphones I’d rather have for Hip-Hop.

It’s the one product I think of most when I think of the genre as it represents everything I love about Rap and specifically instrumentals.

It’s everything Beats by Dre should have been.

In fact,

I remember scoffing at all the wannabes at my old job with Beats on their heads looking like they just rolled out of a cotton candy factory. What a time to be alive.

The 50x is the type of headphone you hand to someone like that and then slap them in the face as you run away, sort of like this:

You know how, as you get older, there are moments that stick out in your mind?

They’re the ones you remember most vividly.

You may not remember why you just walked into that room, but gosh darn if I don’t remember something in great detail that happened 50 million years ago.

My first experience with the original M50 was like that.

I even remember I was listening to a J Dilla beat and couldn’t believe how crisp and snappy everything was.

It was polished to an absurd degree.

Sure, it was 2013.

I was still in college, and the M50 was only the second “good” headphone I’d ever heard (the first being the MDR-7506).

Still, I remember how they made me feel, and like the 9500, plenty of people have come back to me saying how much they love them even despite the barrage of hate they’ve gotten in recent years.

One of my Patrons just reached out to me saying he had bought a pair and fell in love instantly.

So I think both the 50x and 7506 are perfect examples of warranted hype.

Yes, they are “overrated” in the sense that almost everyone has at least heard of them in passing and many people have owned or tried them.

Hundreds of thousands of people. Millions even.

But they are good, especially for hip-hop.

There’s a 5-7dB bass shelf across 20Hz – 200 that’s just perfect for the genre and even despite that, the mid-range doesn’t really sound recessed or sucked out.

In addition, the 50x improved upon the overly bright treble present in the original model.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

Although They’re also compact, durable, and work well as a travel companion, there are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Comfort is hit-and-miss and I’d say about average.
  2. As with the 7506, these pads not only flake and peel, but they harden which can be a nightmare if a rough edge happens to penetrate your ear while you’re listening to music. Fortunately, you can replace the pads and they’re fairly easy to install.


Sennheiser HD25

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Official Review: Here!

Sennheiser HD25 ReviewI often joke that the folks at Sennheiser sat down at the roundtable one day and were like “We need to make a headphone for those headbanger homies who listen to lots of metal.”

Well, if metal was the first genre I’d recommend these for, Hip-Hop is certainly a close second.

As with the M50x, the HD25 from Sennheiser is a headphone you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

Even so,

unboxing this thing is somewhat underwhelming.

I remember sitting at my parent’s house back in 2017 or thereabouts anticipating all this cool stuff only to find a cheap-looking pair of headphones in a boring box with a crummy 1/4″ adapter.

Again, something you’d find at the local CVS Pharmacy.

“That’s it?” I scoffed.

Big f’ing deal, right?


The payoff is most certainly the sound that makes up for all of that and then some.

Listening to an HD25 can only be described as what it may feel like to be high on cocaine for the rest of your life.

In other words, your ass AIN’T comin’ back down.

Everything about the experience is super f’ing-omg-intense and really makes you want to rip your clothes off and hump the air.

It’s like speed for your ears, and should only be used in short bursts.

In fact, you’ll almost have to take frequent breaks with these as the comfort level isn’t very good.

The sound however is almost perfect for hip-hop in my estimation and does edge out both the 50x and DT770 if someone held a gun to my head and forced me to decide between the 3.

If the bass on those 2 was a bit much, the HD25 opts for an insanely good middle ground.

There’s just enough slam to keep you satisfied without ever feeling like it’s over the top, and this is in part due to some roll-off below about 40Hz.

Yes, the mid-bass is eerily close to toeing that look-at-me-I’m-a-audio-manufacturer-who-places-too-much-emphasis-on-the-bass line, but gosh darn what makes it okay is that Sennheiser actually knows how to tune headphones properly.

And, you guessed it, it utilizes our good friend…

mud cut!

Graph: Crinacle

Hi mud cut, I’m Stu! How are you?

Mud cut: I’m fine Stu, thanks for asking!

In addition to that, the mid-range is damn near perfect, and the treble sizzles like a steakhouse without sounding all that sibilant.

Okay, it’s a bit sibilant but who cares it’s only 5dB and by that time you’ll be naked anyway.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

I don’t care and neither should you. Just buy them!


FiiO FT1

Price: Check Amazon! | Official Review: Here!

FiiO FT1 Review

It’s been a long time since I’ve come across a good closed-back headphone that I felt was worthy of serious praise. In 2024 it finally happened again.

But the FT1 isn’t just good. It’s not even really good.

It’s spectacular. Tremendous. Scintillating. Superb.  

What FiiO was able to achieve in these for the price makes me want to do a backflip off of something really high up, sort of like this. And if you know me, you’ll know I’m wayyyy past the point of getting excited about gear.

The FiiO FT1 says hold my beer.

This well-built, super comfy domfy headphone has exemplary resolution, a PHAT KAT Bass response, a muddy mc mud cut around, you guessed it, 200-300Hz, and an overall hippy hip-hop vibe that can’t be ignored.


Anudda Mud Cut!


Graph: Unheard Lab

Can the shelf below 40Hz come down some? Yes, I talk about this more in the review.

But it feels like FiiO surveyed the entire landscape of cheap, piss-poor bass cannons (which is like 85.3854% of the market) and said, “Let’s actually not f**k this up like everyone else.”

hoo boy.

And the price is right like Bob Barker?

What more could you ask for?

Well, as it turns out, I do think the next headphone on this list edges it out slightly.

Let’s take a look:


Beyerdynamic DT990

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check Drop! | Official Shootout: Here!

If the HD25’s bass is bordering on out of control (I said bordering, it’s still awesome), the DT990 is like, “Leeeeeeeet’s just bring this down a notch or 2.”

In fact, I firmly believe that the 990 takes all of the great qualities of the above headphones and packages them into one great headphone.

Oh, and look! Another mud cut.

Graph: Crinacle

A bit of this comes down to personal preference; i.e., the 990 opting to keep the sub-bass mostly flat/rolled off is something I do prefer over a boost, but your mileage will vary.

And there’s hardly a bad thing to speak of when evaluating the entire sound.

Think of the HD25 as the juiced-up gym bro meathead while the 990 is taking something like creatine, and you’ll get a good idea of why it makes sense to rank them this way.

I think this is the quintessential open-back headphone for Hip-Hop in the mid-tier range, with a strong (but controlled) bass and an overall airy type of character, which lends itself well to detail and accurate placement of instruments within the song.

They are a bit on the bright side, but I didn’t really notice it as much as others have and a good graph (such as the one above) backs up my sentiment.

Not only that, but the 990 is certainly the most comfortable headphone on this list (along with the 770), so in my estimation, it’s an easy choice and the perfect A number 1 solution for all of you out-of-control hip-hop homies out there that need spankings.

Potential Caveats/You May Not Like

Many complain about the treble, but I think those claims are exaggerated.

Admittedly, I’ve only demoed these and have never owned them (I plan to buy them at some point), but they didn’t sound anything like people were saying with regard to being overly bright.

Hi-Fi ($300+)


Apos Caspian

Price: Check Apos! | Official Review: Here!

Apos Caspian Review

Apos’ Caspian is certainly a headphone that caught me by surprise, meaning, I wasn’t really expecting much from it.

That may not sound fair, but after demoing 140+ headphones, you get a little jaded.

Gee, who would have thought?

I think the Caspian does what most consumer products can only dream of doing; that is, emphasizing the bass without muddying up the sound.

In other words, another mud cut. xD



This is the largest graph I could find. Credit: Apos

No, the Caspian is as pure as it gets with regard to that general bass-head sound signature that so many manufacturers try and fail miserably at.

In fact, at this point, I don’t even think they’re trying.

They know that most new people are going to lap up all that cheap dog food regardless, so I believe very little effort goes into making good products anymore – at least at the very low consumer level.

In other words, these types of headphones are a dime a dozen now and the market has become horribly oversaturated with them.

By contrast,

it was obvious to me from the get-go that Apos and Sandu put forth a considerable amount of effort with the Caspian, and it shows.

This is as complete of a package as you’ll find in its general price range, but the sound coming from the Caspian is what’s most welcome.

It’s buttery smooth and still retains a sense of weight and impact without all the bloat that accompanies the all-important 200-300Hz area.

In addition to that, the headphones are supremely comfortable and the treble isn’t overly bright or essy.

I can wear these for hours without fatigue, and Apos even included a balanced cable in the package if you want to be especially daring like Herbert Daring Dashwood.

Potential Caveats/You may not like

As good as these sound, if I had to nitpick I would say they play it a little on the safe side at times.

In other words, the sound signature is almost too smooth if that even makes sense.

Put simply, it doesn’t make me want to take all my clothes off and shake my butt.

At times I feel like they’re missing a bit of the liveliness and recklessness that comes with something like an HD25, but again, this is an incredibly minor nit.



Price: Check Apos Audio! | Check Amazon! | Official Review: Here!

The Ananda is what those Beats by Dre geeks at my old job would love if they could just stop dressing like they’re covered in strawberry ice cream for 5 seconds.

In other words,


Planar bass has always been superior to dynamic driver bass, and the Ananda is no exception.

If the 400se was gravitating towards that, the Ananda is full-blown there, holmes.

It’s rolling and rollicking and galloping and deep and smooth and frolicking and walloping and sweet.

The Ananda uses one of the preferred bass curves, only this time it’s simply flat throughout the entire low end. Which is fine. It’s great!

Neutral bass with plenty of reach has always worked extremely well (just ask Audeze for proof of that) and HIFIMAN knows it too.

In fact, I’ve always found it hard to decide which planar bass I like better; Audeze’s? Or HIFIMAN’s?

Because once you hear bass like this, you’ll never look at regular dynamic headphones the same ever again.

As with the 400se, we’re not getting a bass response that’s overly accentuated nor does it roll off a cliff like the KSC75.

No, these are headphones for true bass heads, not those wannabes who wet themselves over awful 12dB bass shelves that’ll make your ears blow up faster than throwing gasoline onto a raging fire.

This is bass for the extreme pinky-out connoisseurs; you know, the ones that listen to Flying Lotus or Thundercat instead of Gucci mane or some other similar rapper with chains hanging down from his nose.

The Ananda is an open, spacious affair that, you guessed it, feels like skiing down a mountain in January while chewing Winter Fresh gum.

I’m sorry, I had to.

If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I make that stupid analogy a lot, but hey, people have come back to me saying it was perfect so whatever.

Sue me.

Potential Caveats/You may not like

  1. The treble on the Ananda to me was juuuust a tad essy, but this is a pretty minor nitpick.
  2. Comfort is good, but you will notice these slide around a bit on your melon and require some minor adjustments from time to time.


Dan Clark Audio Aeon (Closed)

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Apos Audio! | Official Review: Here!

The Best Headphones for Hip-Hop

The Aeon easily makes the short list of best headphones I’ve personally ever heard, and certainly, the best closed-back I’ve tried above the mid-fi category.

Since demoing the OG Aeon Flow Closed (back when he was still called “MrSpeakers”), Dan Clark has modified the sound with some newer iterations and better driver matching which only reinforces the notion that these are some of the best headphones for hip-hop and bass.

By now the mud cut needs no introduction, but here you go again:

Graph: Crinacle

This amazing sound does cost a pretty penny, but if you want to have your face melted off in the best way possible, you’ll at least consider buying one.

In other words, pair this puppy with a Chord Mojo and prepare to have your panties soiled.

What stands out most has always been their resolution, Soundstage, and immense realism.

I was talking with someone recently about how my over-the-top obsession with the Mojo may have actually been more a matter of the Aeon Flow making it seem like the artist was in front of me and not the DAC.

This effect does fade throughout a track’s lifespan, but it’s unmistakable when you hear it for the first time. In that sense, it’s easy to see why Dan Clark originally named his company “MrSpeakers,” as the Aeon is perhaps the closest to a speaker-like sound that I’ve ever heard.

It provides the warmth and detail that many people crave, but you’ll really blow your load listening to hip-hop specifically.

But don’t take my word for it, try it out for yourself!

Add to that its comfort is probably the best I’ve ever experienced and you’ve got yourself a winning product that still wins today.

Way back when Inner Fidelity was still around, Tyll agreed:

Simply put: This is the best sounding around-ear, sealed, headphone I’ve heard to date. Tonal balance is spot on but for a very slight emphasis 5-10kHz. Bass is tight, well balanced and does not bleed into the mids. Transition to mids is seamless and excellent. Midrange is excellently balanced; vocals and overtones are very well proportioned giving voices just the right sense of presence and ease simultaneously. Treble is terrifically proportioned as well; cymbals and snares sound very natural. Tyll Herstens, Inner Fidelity

Potential Caveats/You may not like

Some will complain that these have a bit too much warmth to them, at times sounding overly radio-broadcast-ey and syrupy, and while I can understand the sentiment, it’s not something I really care about because of how good resolution and Soundstage are.

Your mileage may vary, but I do think the Aeon is either a love-it-or-hate-it type of thing with not much middle ground.


Audeze EL-8

Official Review: Here!

The Audeze EL-8 was one of the most eye-opening experiences I’ve ever had; with Hip-Hop specifically.

As with the Ananda, a lot of this has to do with its incredibly well-reproduced bass response and realistic portrayal of said low end, and you can thank planar magnetic drivers for that.

Ken Rockwell really hit the nail on the head when he talked about these:

The Audeze EL-8 have buttery smooth sound with extraordinarily well reproduced bass. The EL-8 will sound duller than most conventional headphones that tend to add glare; these are perfect if you want to get rid of excess harshness. The Audeze EL8 sound big, smooth and solid. They are somewhat recessed in the upper midrange — a hallmark of their smoothness. They have extremely solid and bottomless bass. The Audeze EL-8 use planar magnetic technology, which is completely different from 99% of other headphones. These have much smoother sound than conventional headphones, and have much deeper bass as well. Ken Rockwell

Bottomless bass is exactly right, just as I attempted to describe above with the Ananda.

It’s insane how smooth and impactful it is, especially if you’re after more of a detailed, effortless sound without the glare and/or sibilance that may accompany the cheaper sets we discussed earlier.


Focal Utopia

Price: Check Amazon! Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Official Review: Here!

The Best Headphones for Hip-Hop

The King.

The Utopia is a headphone that I’ve talked about, and talked bout, and talked about … for years.

It’s hard to believe that the first time I put these on my head was all the way back in 2018.

Where does the time go?

I don’t think I’ve ever experienced (read: I have NEVER experienced) anything quite like it.

This headphone rendered The Roots’ The Next Movement with startling accuracy, precision, detail, and clarity, to the point of unbelievability.

It sounded completely different than I had ever heard it… but in the best way possible.

I remember chatting with a Focal rep at one of Audio Advice’s “Music Matters” shows and it was around the third time I demoed them.

As I put them on my head, I thought to myself, “Surely this thing can’t be as good as I originally thought. I must have somehow overhyped them.”

Nope, they weren’t as good.

They were BETTER.

That’s right you read that correctly.

This is the only headphone out of the 140+ I’ve demoed at the time of this article that actually gets better with each successive listen.

I guess there’s a reason they named it the “Utopia,” given how close it comes to perfection. And driver matching is insanely good. 

The bass follows a neutral-ish, flat curve similar to an Audeze or HIFIMAN; and again, it works extremely well for bottomless low end and a clear, articulate overall rendition of your favorite tracks.

Graph: Crinacle

If there were ever a pair of headphones perfect in every way, the Utopia is most certainly it and it’s not even close.

Comfort, build, sound, instrument timbre, resolution, attack, sustain, decay, driver matching, you name it.

It’s all head and shoulders above everything else.

They’re the best headphones I’ve personally heard to date. Looking for your forever cans?

These are it, hands down.

They take everything great about all of the other headphones we talked about and package them into one amazing-sounding product.

Closing Thoughts

Design: HomeStudioBasics

If you held a gun to my head and told me to choose only one from this list, I’d probably go with the DT990 as an open companion, and the FT1 if you want something closed.

Both represent just about the perfect sound signature for hip-hop and won’t burn a hole in your pocket.

Learn More:



As promised, here is a list of considerations to make when deciding on the perfect headphone for hip-hop:


Design: HomeStudioBasics

Regardless of whether you’re listening to mainstream or indie/underground hip-hop, the same principles apply:

What is your budget?

Some great entry-level models will get the job done extremely well, but we covered some higher-end stuff too!

Are you looking for the absolute best?

Aside from that being fairly subjective, you will have to be willing to part with more money if you want something really stellar.

That said, the law of diminishing returns does tend to kick in after around the $300 mark, so I tried to keep it as realistic as possible while also outlining headphones that had a significant impact on me.

Rest assured, these headphones were very carefully considered as I’m trying to help you choose the best ones available.

Portable vs. Studio.

Will you be using these on the go or in an isolated studio environment?

This is very important to consider before making a decision. For instance, as a travel companion that won’t burn a hole in your pocket, it doesn’t get much better than the FiiO FT1 and its absolutely gorgeous carrying case; with 2 count ’em 2 cable options; balanced and unbalanced:

FiiO FT1 Review

Closed vs. Open.

In that same vein, it’s important to know whether or not you will prefer an open-back headphone vs. a closed one.


It goes without saying that a good Hip-Hop headphone should have a strong bass response.

However, as thoroughly discussed in this article, it absolutely must be done correctly, and in a specific way.

There are wayyyy too many bass-heavy headphones out there that don’t sound good because they place too much emphasis on the low end.

Today I outlined exactly why I chose the options I chose, and why it’s so important. All of the headphones I selected follow one of the preferred curves, with slam and impact that never come across as bloated, muddy, or artificial.

A good bass response also ensures the mid-range stays clear and lively, while not sacrificing clarity and resolution just for the sake of more impact; impact that will always sound like shit when it’s poorly done.

When done right, it makes for a significantly better listening experience as a result.

Should you get an Amp or DAC?

An Amp:

If your headphones have a high impedance and/or low Sensitivity, they’re going to resist power and not be as efficient.

Impedance is a measure of resistance and Sensitivity is a measure of efficiency.

Generally speaking, anything around 97dB and lower is not very efficient and needs more power from the amp to perform optimally and reach acceptable loudness levels.

Anything with an Impedance over 100 generally tends to resist power quite a bit.

It really just depends on the headphones in question. Contact me for clarification! 🙂


A Digital to Analog converter’s job is to convert the 1s and 0s from your computer, into an analog sound that you hear (and vice versa).

During a microphone recording, the computer takes the analog (your voice) and converts it into data that it can understand (1s and 0s).

Basically, either of these exchanges is always happening depending on what you’re doing.

The only reason you would upgrade a DAC is if your existing one is crappy.

You’ll know because it either won’t be loud enough or just generally sounds bad (noise, crackling, etc).

Great Resources:

Sensitivity and low impedance cans

For low-impedance headphones, the Sensitivity will usually be fairly high, resulting in something that generally does well with mobile devices.

That said,

the quality of the song will still largely depend on the source file, as well as your headphones. And yes, even the DAC.

For instance, if you have a bad DAC and buy an amp, you’ll only be magnifying bad sound by raising the volume level. That said, 99% of DACs perform optimally and you won’t need to worry about it.


Design: HomeStudioBasics

A good Hip-Hop headphone will provide all of the following:


As discussed earlier, this is arguably the most important component of a good Rap headphone but isn’t the end all be all.

There comes a point where too much bass results in overkill, and we want to avoid that at all costs today.

Good mid-range.

I don’t know about you, but I’d like to be able to discern vocals and instruments better.

Hip-hop isn’t all about the bass.

Many artists incorporate a lot of different sounds into their music.

The Roots comes to mind as a group that has always placed heavy emphasis on live instrumentation and subtle experimentation.

A good mid-range will go a long way in revealing the nuance going on behind the scenes that you may have missed before with other low-grade dog food headphones.


Treble is important too.

We want that sparkle at the top that gives the music some extra flavor, zest, and overall excitement.

Even so, sometimes a bright treble isn’t all that necessary and a headphone can still sound excellent without too much high-end emphasis.

Resolution, Separation, and Soundstage.

Aside from overall tuning, Resolution is arguably the most important factor when determining if a headphone is good or not as it helps to reveal everything the artist put into the track.

All of their hard work? It means nothing if you can’t actually hear it.

Soundstage is also very important, and an extension of spacing and separation. That said, some headphones may have good separation but not a wide Soundstage. And that’s fine. Just know beforehand what you’re getting into before you go blowing all of your hard-earned cash.

That said, Soundstage can depend largely on the track and how it was engineered.

For instance, some of the shitties headphones in existence can still technically provide good Soundstage if the track was recorded in such a way as to give off that illusion.

Comfort and Durability.

This kind of goes without saying, but you’ll want to be able to wear your headphones for an extended period.

That said, I’m personally a bit more forgiving of comfort than some.

Unless the headphones are particularly bad, I can let it slide a little bit and just relegate myself to frequent rest periods.

All of that said, I truly hope this guide has helped you in some way, and I look forward to chatting with you.

Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this article on the best headphones for Hip-Hop.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!

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Which of these headphones are you most likely to purchase? I would love to hear from you! Until next time…

All the best and God bless,





Can’t decide which headphones to purchase? Interested in a complete buyers guide outlining over 40 of the best options on the market? Click on over to the best audiophile headphones to learn more!!

Be sure to also check out my Reviews and Resources page for more helpful and informative articles!

My Experiences In Hip-Hop

I’ve always been a fan of Hip-Hop music, but my tastes have definitely changed since I was a lad.

I was first introduced to it in middle school. It’s interesting in that I never even knew what Hip-Hop was from a baby up until about 5th grade.

I was never exposed to it, in part because I came from a Rock n’ Roll household. Learn more: The best headphones for Rock music.

It wasn’t until about 6th grade did I start listening to it, and for the most part, the material was

Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood.

vulgar to say the least.

My first real experience with Rap music was DMX’s 1998 album Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood.

In fact, to this day I have inadvertently memorized pretty much the entire album. As a man of God, I’m not really proud of that, but it is what it is.

I was young and naive and thought that the lyrics were cool. It’s amazing that our minds can process stuff like that and keep it stored for a lifetime!

It’s also encouraging to hear that Earl Simmons (DMX) has indeed found God, and abandoned his former lifestyle (or is trying to).

He still has some issues including a drinking problem, but I pray that God is working it out in his life. I feel deep down that he still has a calling, and hope that he does get it together. The most important thing is that he’s striving.

2022 Update: R.I.P. Earl Simmons aka DMX (1970 – 2021). Gone but not forgotten!

It’s been said that at a young age, Simmons was given a cigarette laced with crack and that’s how his addiction began – which turned into a lifelong battle and something he struggled with until his death in 2021.

It’s also important to note that despite all of the over-the-top cursing, vulgarity, and despicable subject matter, there was a track at the very end of Flesh that acknowledged God in his life.

Called “Ready to meet him”, Earl Simmons pours his heart out to God in prayer and then proceeds to deliver a powerful message over a metaphysical and divinely inspired instrumental.

Anyhow, I digress. Much of the Rap I listened to in the early days was very commercialized. I’ll admit it. But here’s the thing: A lot of it is now actually considered good because the current crop of mainstream artists is even worse!

It’s scary to think that at one time, Outkast was considered mainstream. Nowadays they’re what people really miss about Hip-Hop.

Most of the music that came from these artists is still pretty good and stacked against what’s out now, it really fares extremely well.

There are a few here that I’m a bit embarrassed about, including Sisqo and the “Thong Song.” But a lot of it has stood the test of time, with some instant classics sprinkled in. Ja Rule in particular was always a guilty pleasure for me. He emerged at a time when the fusion of Rap and R&B actually sounded quite good.

Some artists I was exposed to:

  • Ja Rule
  • DMX
  • Ludacris
  • Nelly
  • Usher
  • Destiny’s Child
  • Donnell Jones
  • TLC
  • Jennifer Lopez
  • Akon
  • Ashanti
  • Sisqo
  • R Kelly
  • Jagged Edge
  • Big Tymers
  • Twista
  • Cam’ron
  • Three Six Mafia
  • Fat Joe
  • Big Pun
  • Pharrell
  • Jadakiss and the L.O.X.
  • Dru Hill
  • Jay-Z
  • Birdman
  • Clipse
  • Jermaine Dupri
  • Nappy Roots
  • Puff Daddy
  • Fabolous
  • Project Pat
  • Nas
  • Tupac
  • Notorious B.I.G.
  • Big Pun
  • Timbaland
  • Tyrese
  • Snoop Dogg
  • Eminem
  • Shyne

These are some of the artists and groups that I grew up on.

Hip-Hop has changed a lot, and what’s now considered good pales in comparison to even the worst of these artists! You can’t deny that the quality has gone down considerably since then.

Kind of prophetic actually.

Gravitating towards better music

As I got a bit older, I realized how much I was missing out on. True hip-hop has never died, contrary to popular belief. In fact, I was that person at one point.

I thought that just because the mainstream seemed to be watering everything down to the point of Rap becoming unrecognizable, that meant that there weren’t true artists out there still thriving and making good music.

There was even a point in time when I was a complete snob about it in some ways. I wanted to discover the most underground artists (or even some old-school hip-hop that people hadn’t heard) and tell people about it.

But I also wanted people to know that I had the best taste and knew about the best hip-hop. Looking back, it was completely ridiculous, but I have to admit that I was a bit immature about the whole thing in some respects.

That was around my late teens and very early 20s.

I discovered artists like:

  • Saul Williams
  • The Pharcyde
  • Cunninlynguists
  • Del tha funkee homosapien/Deltron 3030
  • Souls of Mischief
  • Hieroglyphics
  • Jurassic 5
  • The Roots
  • Royal Flush
  • Binary Star
  • People Under the Stairs
  • J Dilla/Slum Village
  • 9th Wonder/Little Brother
  • Pete Rock & CL Smooth
  • Masta Ace
  • Dead Prez
  • Big L
  • Lord Finesse and the D.I.T.C.
  • The Wu-Tang Clan
  • Immortal Technique
  • Eyedea & Abilities
  • Blackalicious (with Chief Xcel) & Gift of Gab (Solo)
  • Non Phixion
  • Guilty Simpson
  • Stoupe The Enemy of Mankind/Jedi Mind Tricks
  • Kev Brown
  • MF Doom
  • Crooklyn Dodgers
  • Jeru the Damaja
  • DJ Premier & Guru (Gangstarr)
  • Elzhi
  • Jake One
  • Dilated Peoples
  • De La Soul
  • Camp Lo
  • Jigmastas
  • Blackstar (Mos Def & Talib Kweli)
  • Group Home
  • Smif-N-Wessun
  • Black Moon
  • Common Sense (before he was just Common)
  • Planet Asia
  • Slick Rick
  • Skyzoo
  • Statik Selektah
  • Canibus
  • Percee P

Some of these artists may not be considered underground, but to me, they were since I had never been exposed to them before.

For instance, Big L was fairly well known while he was alive, but not as known as say Notorious B.I.G. or a rapper like Big Pun.

These are my boom boxes. There are many like them, but these ones are mine.


After that phase was over, I gravitated towards just instrumentals. To this day I prefer beats over rhymes, and I think to an extent it’s always been that way.

Once I started making my own beats and sampling in 2009, my priorities changed from listening to creating.

There came a point when my perception of Hip-Hop got more and more cynical, as I saw artists basically rehashing the same lines in different ways, with no one truly setting themselves apart (Flying Lotus is one exception on the production side of it).

There are only so many ways you can say how cool you are, you know?

I do still appreciate and respect artists that put their hearts and souls into it, relating life experiences through their music, and talking about real subject matter that people can relate to.

But by and large, I think the culture has gotten extremely gimmicky, even on the underground side of things.

Let me know if you like any of these artists. I would love to hear about your own experiences and opinions on Hip-Hop! I don’t live and breathe it like I used to, but I still enjoy it from time to time. 🙂


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El nai July 2, 2023 - 10:07 am

I appreciated your dedication.

One note, the Hifiman He400se don’t seem to me good for urban or hip hop genres as the bass has very little impact, they are inoffensive.

Stuart Charles Black July 3, 2023 - 2:25 pm

Thank you! It rolls off by around 5dB which isn’t all that much, but maybe a flat line bass would be better for you?

Markolav December 6, 2024 - 6:22 pm

V-Moda M100 would deserve to be on this list. Also some stuff from Fostex.

Stuart Charles Black December 8, 2024 - 4:26 pm

Noted, friend!

Peggyforprez January 9, 2025 - 11:26 pm

I really want a good headset for listening to hip hop, and I stumbled upon your article. Little did I know I now very few terms when it comes to sound. So I began looking up what I didn’t understand and boy it’s a lot but I’m determined to read your article and become more knowledgeable for a better listening experience. Thx man

Stuart Charles Black January 11, 2025 - 4:09 pm

My pleasure man! Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.


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