Home Genre Series The 16 BEST Headphones for Metal [In Depth Guide]

The 16 BEST Headphones for Metal [In Depth Guide]

by Stuart Charles Black
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Hey there friend, and Welcome aboard!!

This is part 4 in a 7-part series on Genre, which takes a nostalgic look at some of my personal experiences with various types of music, games, and pop culture over the years. Check out the others if you would like! Suggestions for how to improve? Contact me or leave a comment below!

  1. The Best Headphones for Jazz
  2. The Best Headphones for Classical
  3. The Best Headphones for Rock
  4. The Best Headphones for Metal (This article)
  5. The Best Headphones for Pop
  6. The Best Headphones for Hip-Hop
  7. The Best Headphones For Folk

Before we get into the best headphones for metal, grab a snack, sit back, and relax because…

I’m Here to Help!!

The Best Headphones for Metal

I bought myself a Gray Guitar. When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely.

Today we’ll cover the headphones first, then a really helpful sub-genre pairing list (covering many types of metal), then I’ll provide a list of considerations and criteria that will greatly help you before making a purchase!

Now without further ado, let’s get rolling!!

We’ll split it up into the following:

Entry Level ($0-100)

  • Closed-back
  • Open back

Mid-Tier ($100-300)

  • Closed-back
  • Open back

Top-Tier ($300 and beyond)

  • Closed-back
  • Open back

Entry Level (Under $100)



Shure SRH440

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

Image credit to Alex over at Medium.com!

Starting things off is the somewhat forgotten-about SRH440, an extremely revealing and crisp headphone that bodes well for metal because of the immense detail it provides.

Yes, it will be a bit overly bright at times, but the sound is so clear and precise that it deserves a spot on the list.

This is a very similar sound as our next option, only the 440 isn’t built quite as well and feels a lot bulkier.

There’s loads of plastic here and it’s a bit of a creaky affair, but the sound does make up for it which is why I included it in the list.


Sony MDR-7506

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

Much has been talked about the 7506 over the years.

In fact, these are the very first “good” headphones I ever tried, and like the Porta Pro, they’ve remained relevant for decades even despite a barrage of new products flooding the scene. Not only that, but they’ve remained the same price since I first bought a pair back in 2010.

That’s right you read that correctly. Got a Benjamin? Get a 7506. You’ll likely keep it around for the long haul like me. I still have a pair!

Are they the best entry-level closed-back headphones? I would say so. There’s not much else out there that competes at the price point. 

Their crisp, revealing nature, neutral overall sound, thumping bass without the bloat, balanced mid-range, and bright treble make them a near-perfect candidate for all things Rock and Metal in this category or otherwise.

If you’ve never heard a good sound out of headphones and are accustomed to the drug store variety garbage, listening to the MDR-7506 will be a life-changing event.

Sony MDR-7506 Review

I’d put a lot of money on that. 

You’ll come to realize just how much of the music was missing before, and I’ll warn you upfront: there’s no going back once you hear it.

In other words,

you’re likely to venture down the rabbit hole with no hope of survival.

So plan accordingly.

Open Back


Grado SR60e

Price: Check Amazon! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

Grado SR60e vs. 80e

Handmade in Brooklyn, NY, the Grado SR60e is going to sound marvelous for detail retrieval and overall excitement.

Most regular readers and subscribers of my YouTube channel will know I trash Grado incessantly (for good reason), but I’ve always said the 60e can be a viable solution in some cases + it’s dirt cheap and a good representation/introduction of the Grado sound. In other words, it’s worth a try at around $60.

For instance, I really do enjoy them with Classic Rock and Metal, hence why I still sometimes recommend them.

I don’t think there was a time when I was more excited pumping out Chon’s “Temporarily Destabilized.”

Go ahead, melt your face, do backflips, and get pumped!

The build here is somewhat questionable, but many have reported to me that they’ve had theirs hold up for years (even decades).


others have issues with them breaking down after only a few years and Grado’s non-detachable cables are pretty annoying overall.

Despite that, these work incredibly well for Rock, Metal, and even Hip-Hop which is why they still snag a spot on the list.

The reason here is simple: They’re incredibly detailed, with fantastic resolution and excellent Soundstage given that they’re on-ear headphones.

Speaking of, comfort is pretty good overall and the S-cushions feel fine.

You’ll be making some slight adjustments from time to time but I find that these don’t dig quite as much as you might expect and do rest quite well on your ears due to the softness of the pads.


Koss Porta Pro

Price: Check Amazon! | Official Review: Here!

Koss KSC75 vs. KPH30i vs. Porta Pro

One of the best “cheap” headphones you can buy, this baby has been around since the ’80s and certainly looks like it could star in a John Hughes teen angst movie.

Aside from that,

it’s got an atypical sound signature for a headphone in its price range, providing pretty good balance in favor of the dreaded V-shape (Exaggerated bass, recessed mid-range, bright treble).

I suppose it’s why the Porta Pro is still relevant even today.

You’ll find the bass aplenty here without going completely overboard, in addition to a wonderfully smooth and revealing overall sound without the overly essy treble that most headphones in the budget category fall victim to.

Do keep in mind that these are a bit bassier than the KPH30i, so if you think you’ll want something a little more neutral, try the 30i instead.

For those out-of-control Metal homies who think they’re going to desire a bit more slam and plan on banging their heads into the wall, the Porta Pro is easily worth a try.


Philips SHP9500

Price: Check Amazon! | Check B&H! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

Philips SHP9500 vs. 9600

My 2nd go-to Budget King in the open-back category and a headphone that I’ve been ecstatically recommending to people since around 2017.

The SHP9500, considering everything I’ve experienced in this hobby, is a small miracle even today.

The extra emphasis in the lower mid-range/upper treble helps a lot with crunchy guitars and vocals, and the overall sound can be described as open, airy, and incredibly revealing.

I think of these as a better version of the 60e; they don’t suffer from that ridiculous 2kHz spike but remain crisp and clear enough to make you want to do backflips naked.

The bass is definitely rolled off below 100Hz, but there’s no unnecessary mid-bass bloat and you’ll love how well these render your favorite tunes, guaranteed or you can make me eat a sock.

Comfort is absolutely phenomenal, and build is excellent for the price. 

Mid-Tier ($100-300)

Closed Back


Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro

Price: Amazon! |  Check Sweetwater! | Check eBay! | Official DT Shootout: Here!

The 770 is considered a studio headphone, but like the M50x, doesn’t live up to that moniker.

Both are headphones more suited towards pure enjoyment, and neither disappoints.

The DT770 is certainly bass-heavy, but here’s the kicker (no pun intended): it actually cuts the mud/bloat region of roughly 200-300Hz which is why it sounds good.

A lot of people won’t mention this, but it’s pretty much the main reason why the 770 is still fairly viable for harder genres and doesn’t sound bloated like Thanksgiving at Grandma’s house.

It’s got a nice slam and impact, with a shimmering treble and a slightly recessed mid-range.

The mids are in no way completely absent, but they do tend to take a downward trajectory into about 4k, before becoming brighter in the treble regions.

The comfort here is marvelous, and they’re certainly built very well.

I look at the DT770 as a bit more of an extreme HD25.

While that headphone is a bit more balanced, the 770 is not.

So definitely keep that in mind before purchasing.


Audio Technica ATH M50x

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check eBay! | Check B&H! | Official Review: Here!

Audio Technica ATH M50x Review

Another great all-purpose headphone, I owned a pair from 2013-2018.

They did come out with the 50x, which sounds about the same, but with a bit more bass and a somewhat tamed down treble.

If the 770 is a bit overly flamboyant, and the HD25 is a bit more balanced, the 50x is probably somewhere in the middle.

There’s a 5dB shelf across pretty much the entirety of the bass frequencies, but it doesn’t feel overpowering and bloated as it did with the M40x.

So the M50x is fairly similar to the HD25 but with better comfort and a bulkier overall profile.

These headphones will wow you if you’re new to audiophile-grade cans; similar to what we discussed with regard to the MDR-7506.

It does well with many genres including Metal, Hip-Hop, and Rock, and still remains a fantastic choice even in today’s overcrowded headphone landscape.


Sennheiser HD25

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Official Review: Here!

Perhaps the overall best headphones in this entire lot, bar none.

The HD25 is an intense, exciting, immensely detailed, and overall in-your-face experience, best listened to in chunks.

These aren’t the type of headphones you’re going to be able to wear all day, so let’s get that out of the way.

They will fatigue you musically and physically.

The comfort factor is below average, but the sound and build both more than make up for it.

This is still widely considered one of (if not the best) DJ headphones ever made, but they also work well with a variety of different genres.

I hear details and lyrics in the HD25 that I simply don’t in other headphones.

They are very transparent, but they also slam with a certain authority that must be heard to believe.

Go ahead, I dare you to throw on “Killing in the Name of” by Rage Against the Machine.

Prepare to have your mind blown, DOG.

I love all the extra guitar sounds you can hear with these puppies.

You’ll also notice many T.V. announcers, talk show hosts, etc. donning them as well.

They’re extremely portable, durable, and convenient, and make a great travel/on-the-go companion as well!

If there were ever a headphone I believe was made specifically for Metal (even though it technically wasn’t), it’s the HD25.

Open Back


Sennheiser HD600/650/6XX

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Check eBay! | Official 58X/600 Shootout: Here!

Sennheiser HD600 vs. 650

The HD600s have been one of my Gold standards in mid-fi dating back to 2016, and they do work for metal because they are so balanced, detailed, and revealing.

The treble is a bit darker than average, rendering them bit dull at times; thus why they’re a little low on this list for Metal specifically.

This is only realized when A/B testing them against something like an SHP9500, which sounds brighter side by side.

If you were wondering about the differences between the 600 and 650, the 650 has a bit more bass and sounds warmer.

The HD600 sounds clinical and sterile by contrast, but it’s still a similar sound regardless.

One of the reasons both of these headphones work so well for Metal, and really any genre, is because of their ability to pick up bass lines with astonishing clarity.

No longer does the bass sound like a jumbled mess.

You’re able to distinctly hear each note, which can yield some extreme excitement.

Other than that, the entire signature works well for Metal because it’s transparent and detailed, but also neutral and mostly balanced outside of the slight overemphasis around 3kHz.

You also may be wondering about the HD6XX.

I do tend to recommend it over these 2 because of the price, so definitely consider that before taking the plunge.

In 2016 I paid around $330 for a brand-new, made-in-Ireland HD600, but you can save some money by getting a 6XX nowadays.


Beyerdynamic DT880

Price: Check Amazon! |  Check Sweetwater! | Check eBay! | Official DT Shootout: Here!

The DT880s have an incredibly clean signature, reminiscent of the HD600 but with hardly any bass roll-off, and more emphasis around 5-6 kHz.

The bass has punch but never gets out of line, the mid-range is just about perfect, and and instrument separation is spot on as well.

These work incredibly well for Metal because they’re crisp, lively, and bright, but do keep in mind the spike in the aforementioned upper treble may need to be EQd down a bit.

Like all Beyrdynamics, comfort here is simply incredible and snagged the top spot on my most comfortable headphones of all time list quite easily.



Price: Check Amazon! | Check Apos Audio! | Official Review: Here!

HIFIMAN HE400se Review

The 400 series has undergone many changes throughout the years.

Currently, the 400se is dirt cheap and does make my top 5 under $500 on value alone.

The neutral profile means these will do well with most genres, as they have fantastic timbre and resolution; both mainstays in HIFIMAN headphones and why I tend to recommend them a lot.

For instance, Rage [Against The Machine] has a tendency to make guitars sound like nails on a chalkboard in the best way possible.

The 400se really helps to magnify how that actually sounds at its most detailed and raw.

In other words,

it almost seems like you’re listening in a studio space rather than hearing the sound through drivers.

Bullet in the Head is a great example of a track that sounds phenomenal through the 400se; the resolution is simply fantastic.

I think planar drivers outperform their dynamic counterparts, and nowhere is that more apparent than in a HIFIMAN headphone like the 400se.

Everything is just a bit better, but at the end of the day, the difference between the timbre of the 400se and something like a K702 is pretty close.

Speaking of,


AKG K702

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

These will also do very well with Metal but will sound a tad more anemic as far as bass is concerned.

Some folks prefer this over a powerful bass, and your mileage will vary.

The K702 in my mind is certainly one of the top 3 mid-fi headphones ever conceived, and it just does so well with an array of genres.

The reason it works so well for metal is its clarity, incredible tuning, open, spacious sound, and raw honest portrayal of what you’re hearing.

If you want to hear metal as it actually is, the K702 is the solution.

I use one every day because I prefer that mostly flat, neutral sound with a subtle emphasis on the mid-range and treble.


Beyerdynamic DT990

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check Drop! | Check eBay! | Official DT Shootout: Here!

Think of the DT990 as the open-back version of the HD25 with better comfort.

When I talk about the HD25, I’m referring to the original and plus versions (earlier iterations in general), not the newer aluminum version which is tuned a bit differently. 

The 990 doesn’t sound nearly as bass-heavy or treble-happy as people like to claim, but they are bright and will be an immensely fun listen for Metal.

What also makes it one of the best headphones for harder genres is of course the bass response, which opts to cut the bloat/mud frequencies around 200-300Hz. Most companies tend to boost these areas which results in an awful boomy mess, but thank GOD Beyer understands how to tune headphones. 

These are perfect for most Slammy-wammy genres, and Metal is no exception. You get the hard, clean, tight bass, perfect mid-range fidelity, and bright treble with plenty of air for those crunchy crispy guitars.

It’s a match made in head-banging heaven.


Similar to the difference between the 30i and Porta Pro, opt for the 990 if you need a bit more bass emphasis, and go for an 880 if you prefer your Metal homie experience to be on the neutral side.

Top Tier ($300 and beyond)

As promised, I’m not going to go too crazy with these, as the majority of the time, it won’t be worth it to spend a ton of money on a headphone for Metal in particular (more on that in the consideration/criteria sections).

Closed Back

I don’t currently have a closed-back recommendation for Metal in this price range. Stay tuned!

Open Back


Audeze LCD-2

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Audeze! | Check eBay!

Out of all the Audeze headphones I’ve tried, I believe the LCD-2 is likely the best. It’s tuned extremely well, has eye-popping resolution, and doesn’t sound nearly as dark as some of the others in the lineup.

The bottomless bass is there in spades, and the LCD-2, as with a HIFIMAN, tends to outperform dynamic headphones due to its planar drivers and propensity to deliver the music in an incredibly realistic way.

I distinctly remember listening to Rage Against the Machine with the LCD-2 and an iFi Black Label, and the experience was incredible.

The headphones have this amazing propensity to slam super hard without sounding muddy, boomy, or bloated. There’s weight to the notes, but it feels natural and organic.

For Metal, this is extremely important since the genre can sound very anemic at times and typically isn’t recorded all that well. More on this later.

In addition to the perfect bass response that helps put some meat on metal, guitars are rendered almost perfectly and there’s a fabulous sense of raw energy that comes through perfectly with the genre.

Moreover, Soundstage and openness are spot on, so you’ll never feel a sense of claustrophobia while listening to your favorite tunes.



Price: Check Amazon! | Check B&H! | Check eBay! | Official Review: Here!

HIFIMAN Ananda vs. Edition X

HIFIMAN’S Ananda could be the best pairing in this price category, with its just-right bass response, great mid-range, and brighter-sounding treble. It’s similar to an LCD-2, but perhaps even more crisp and open.

This headphone honestly feels like chewing Winterfresh gum while skiing down a mountain in January sipping Lipton Brisk Iced Tea.

It’s cool and immensely detailed, with a near-perfect tonal balance and fantastic resolution.

Can’t recommend it highly enough!

Comfort is excellent and it’s built really well, but the main draw of an Ananda has always been its smooth, crisp sound with plenty of air.

If you’re coming from one of the mid-fi homies like a K702 or 400se, you’ll experience this freeing sense of grand spaciousness.

It’ll feel like the sound has finally opened up completely, with every single minute detail having a place of its own.

So get excited because it’s surely boner-inducing and will make you do backflips and then some – while having a boner at the same time as you do the backflips.


Focal Utopia

Price: Check Amazon! | Check Sweetwater! | Check B&H! | Official Review: Here!

Focal Utopia Review

Yeah, this is the best headphone on the planet (at least as far as what I’ve heard) so I naturally put it on almost any list.

All the stuff I talked about that makes the others on the list so great?

Take that and then multiply it by 1000. All the hallmark qualities are there, but they’re even better.

Resolution, attack, sustain, decay, release, timbre, balance, realism. It’s all on a different level.

The Utopia is simply a perfect headphone and nothing I’ve heard comes close to it.

This is one of those headphones that I firmly believe every single person on the face of the earth should get a chance to try before they die, and I don’t say that lightly.

Sub-Genre Pairing

In this section, I will attempt to outline which headphones go well with the different genres of Metal. Let me know if you have any suggestions, omissions, additions, etc.

Entry Level ($0-100)


  • Shure SRH440. Best for Doom, Power, Symphonic, and Progressive.
  • Sony MDR-7506. Best for Progressive, Alternative, and Heavy.

Open Back

  • Grado SR60e. Best for Symphonic, Progressive, Power, Alternative, Heavy, and Thrash.
  • Koss Porta Pro. Best for Black, Alternative, Heavy, and Progressive.
  • Philips SHP9500. Best for Alternative, Black, Power, Heavy, Progressive, Sludge/Stoner, Thrash, and Goth.

Mid-Tier ($100-300)

Closed Back

  • Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro. Best for Doom, Thrash, Industrial, Black, and Alternative.
  • Audio Technica ATH M50/50x. Best for Grind-core and Industrial.
  • Sennheiser HD25. Best for Alternative, Progressive, and Heavy.

Open Back

  • Sennheiser HD600/650. Best for Alternative, Black, Power, Heavy, Progressive, Sludge/Stoner, Thrash, and Goth.
  • Beyerdynamic DT880. Best for Progressive, Death, Symphonic, and Doom.
  • HIFIMAN HE400se. Best for Progressive, Death, Alt/Funk/Rap Metal (Rage).
  • AKG K702. Best for Progressive, Symphonic, Goth, Power, Grind-core, Black, Death.
  • Beyerdynamic DT990. Best for Alternative, Progressive, Heavy, and Death.

Top Tier ($300 and beyond)

Open Back

  • Audeze LCD-2. Best for Alternative, Doom, Heavy, Black, Symphonic, Thrash, Goth, Sludge/Stoner.
  • HIFIMAN Ananda/Edition XS. Best for Thrash, Progressive Metal, Rap Metal, and most other sub-genres.
  • Focal Utopia. Best for everything because it’s a perfect headphone and did I mention it’s perfect?

Closing Thoughts

Sennheiser HD25 Review

If I had to choose one headphone for Metal that won’t leave you without a kidney, It would most definitely be the Sennheiser HD25 followed by the DT990 as a close second.

The HD25 in particular is the one that stands out from the rest rather easily because of just how lively and intense it is.

In fact, if Metal and the HD25 were people, they would certainly be happily married and having sex daily.

Multiple times, many positions, what do.

Every time I put one on and fire up some hard tunes, my face melts like pimento cheese on a hot griddle.

It’s almost like the headphone was specifically made for this genre and nothing else.

Everything about it is hardcore; from the indestructible build to the thumping bass, to the flat as a pancake mid-range, to the sparkling treble.

Yeah, the treble is bright. So what? That’s what you want, homie!

The sound signature will make you wanna slap someone; that’s how good it is.

Anyway, I’ve done enough rambling for one day.

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My Metal Experience

Metal music is a lot like Rock, in that guitars for the most part tend to drive the song, followed by the bass.

I’ve always been into Metal to some degree, but I wouldn’t say I’m a die-hard fan of all its sub-genres.

I like a little Megadeth from time to time, some alternative metal like Rage Against the Machine, Doom metal like Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, and more recently, Progressive Metal/Rock/Math Rock from artists like Chon, Plini, Animals as Leaders, Polyphia, etc.

The good news is that what works for Rock mostly does work for Metal as well, given that the genres share a lot of similarities.

My First Metal Show

My experience with Live Metal is fairly limited, but a show that still stands out to me is when I saw Russian Circles with 2 of my good friends back in 2015 at the Cat’s Cradle in Carrboro, NC.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect, as I had never heard of the band.

My friends assured me it would be a head-bangin’ good time, and so I obliged.

Loudest. Show. Ever.

As we walked out of the venue, mouths agape, we could do nothing but simply laugh hysterically.

I thought my ears were going to explode.

There was this awkward ringing feeling and I wasn’t sure if I was about to go deaf or not. Lol.

All in all, it was a lot of fun but I’m not sure if I’ll ever do it again.

My whole body was vibrating even days later, but I would say overall it was a good experience.

Russian Circles don’t F around. Kind of like Joe Pesci.

Small Disclaimer

As for Metal headphones, it’s almost impossible to write an article that covers everything.

I’m also not one to write something and then let it collect dust.

I will be updating this article as frequently as needed when new information comes to light, as well as when I demo and try out new headphones.

So please, if you have a suggestion let me know, but don’t be rude about it. Thanks!

Types of Metal

That said, I’ve been doing a ton of research on Metal itself, and was surprised to find out just how many different sub-genres there are.

As a disclaimer, I’m not professing to have experience with every different type, but I still find it extremely interesting to read about it.

This allows me to gauge which types of headphones work best for the various types, including:

  • Alternative
  • Black
  • Death
  • Doom
  • Goth
  • Grindcore
  • Heavy/Speed
  • Industrial
  • Power
  • Progressive
  • Sludge/Stoner
  • Symphonic
  • Thrash

So with that in mind, let’s look at some considerations when deciding on a pair of headphones for Metal.

Sennheiser HD25 Review



What are you looking to spend?

Today’s article covered some affordable solutions, as well as some higher-end options you might consider.

There is a caveat though, and we’ll take a look at that next.

Mastering quality

Unfortunately, the general consensus is that Metal music is typically recorded badly (in most cases), and this becomes an issue when deciding on a more expensive set of headphones.

The reason is that the better the headphones, the more transparent and honest you’ll find the recording to be.

For example,

I have a pair of Sennheiser HD600s, and although they are a fantastic set, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

You’ll find that there are a lot of songs that simply don’t sound good because they were poorly mastered, and only an honest sound signature can reveal that.

Metal tends to be overly compressed and thus loses quite a bit of detail and clarity.

A good headphone will only magnify that issue, unfortunately.


Do you want a headphone that will work well out of a mobile device, or do you plan on purchasing an Amp/DAC?

Closed vs. Open

Do you intend on being out and about with your headphones, or staying indoors in a closed-off, isolated studio environment?

A big factor in determining is the type of sound you prefer.

Should you buy an Amp or DAC?

An Amp:

If your headphones have a high impedance and/or low Sensitivity, they’re going to resist power and not be as efficient.

Impedance is a measure of resistance and Sensitivity is a measure of efficiency.

Generally speaking, anything around 97dB and lower is not very efficient and needs more power from the amp to perform optimally.

Anything with an Impedance over 100 generally tends to resist power quite a bit.

It just depends on the headphones in question.

Contact me for clarification!


A Digital to Analog converter’s job is to convert the 1s and 0s from your computer, into an analog sound that you hear (and vice versa).

During a microphone recording, the computer takes the analog (your voice) and converts it into data that it can understand (1s and 0s).

Basically, either of these exchanges is always happening depending on what you’re doing.

The only reason you would upgrade a DAC is if your existing one is crappy.

You’ll know because it either won’t be loud enough or just generally sound bad (noise, crackling, etc).

Great Resources:

Sensitivity and low-impedance cans

Koss KSC75 vs. KPH30i vs. Porta Pro

Pictured: Koss KPH30i

For low-impedance headphones, the Sensitivity will usually be fairly high, resulting in headphones that generally do well with mobile devices.

That said, the quality of the song will still largely depend on the source file, as well as your DAC in some cases.

For instance,

if you have a bad DAC and buy an amp, you’ll only be magnifying bad sound by raising the volume level.

This is why it’s important to consider just what you will need and not need.

At the end of the day, I’m nitpicking a little.

Most entry-level closed-backs will sound great and the discrepancies in sound quality are somewhat marginal when you’re starting out.


HIFIMAN HE400se Review


The ideal Metal bass is not too overpowering, but also not weak.

All of the options above place emphasis on areas that should be emphasized while cutting frequencies that need to be cut.


We want the mid-range to be fairly flat/balanced (perhaps with a bit of emphasis) so that instruments and vocals are heard with great clarity and detail.

Your typical V-shaped headphone (Too much bass combined with a sucked-out mid-range and overly bright treble) is not what we’re looking for.

It also helps a bit if the mids are slightly forward to bring out the crunch/liveliness of guitars and instruments.


The treble should be clean and exciting, but not overly bright.

That said, I’m a bit more forgiving of a brighter character since in most cases, it does tend to help with detail and provide much-needed air after 10kHz.

The best scenario for a good treble on Metal headphones would be a bit darker, to help offset some of the compression/artifact issues that we touched on earlier that are so prevalent in Metal recordings.

That said, bright works really well with better recordings and helps highlight the good that’s already there. Just keep in mind your source file.

Soundstage/Instrument Separation

Because Metal tends to be so guitar and vocal-driven, we want the sounds to be distinct and separate, rather than layered on top of each other like most low-grade dog food cans have shown us in the past.

All of the headphones above provide excellent separation and many of them also have excellent Soundstage. That is, they provide an out-of-your-head feeling and seem more open than traditional trash headphones you’d find in your local drugstore.


In addition to the above, we’ll want a headphone that is comfortable and built well.

I do tend to be more forgiving of lesser models in this regard, especially if the sound is stellar.

An example is the AKG K240.

It does feel like something you may find lying around the toy section of your local Wal-Mart, but its sound more than makes up for it.

Pictured: JDS Labs Objective 2 & DAC Magic 100

With that in mind, you should be able to hone in on the perfect metal headphone for you!

If you can’t, leave me a comment down below and I will do my best to help you out. 🙂

Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this article on The Best Headphones for Metal.

Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please leave them down below or Contact me!!

Which of these headphones are YOU more likely to purchase? What do you think about the HD25? I would love to hear from you. Until next time…

All the best and God bless,





Can’t decide which headphones to purchase? Interested in a complete buyers guide outlining over 40 of the best options on the market? Click on over to the best audiophile headphones to learn more!!

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Aggie December 9, 2020 - 8:43 am

I have Grado SR 80e and, in my opinion, this headphones are great for rock and metal music. It has lively sound, good, controlled bass (not to muddy), amazing soundstage – sometimes I have to take off the headphones, because I think that something is happening near me 🙂 I discovered already known albums once again, because I hear sounds and notes which I hadn’t heard there before – just amazing.
Sub-genres which I listen to with this headphones are NWOBHM, doom, thrash, heavy metal, hard rock.
I wanted to try something new and I ordered HD 650 – the 2019 version (they should be delivered tomorrow) and I can’t wait how the sound and feeling will be different in comparison to SR 80e .

By the way, Stuart, this webpage is amazing! I found it so usefull and interesting – this is one of reasons why I ordered HD 650 🙂 I couldn’t decide between 600 and 650 but finally I made my mind and chose 650. I wanted HD 6xx, but fees and taxes for it (shipping to Europe) are so high that it is the same price as HD 650 🙁

Stuart Charles Black December 11, 2020 - 8:34 pm

You made a great decision Aggie! No worries! Did you see my other reply? The HD650 will definitely be a different experience for you, but you’re going to love the headphone. I promise! Keep me posted on your findings and thank you so much for such kind words on my blog! Have you checked out the YouTube and subscribed? Great stuff there as well ?

Aggie December 14, 2020 - 11:58 am

You were right – I made a great decision 🙂 At first, when I listen to HD650 I thought that I don’t hear much difference to my Grado SR80e. But next day I started to compare these two pairs of headphones on the same tracks and….wow! It was amazing! I really thought that SR80e was great, but HD650 gives albums a new life. They sound more deep, have more power and more “wow effect”.
I hear exactly what you wrote in another comment – Grado is too forward @2k. But I noticed this only when I started to compare it with HD650.
So, to sum up – HD650 is really great for metal music: doom metal, NWOBHM, power metal, thrash, hard rock. I found pleasure to listen via HD650. (And these headphones are very comfortable)
Another nice surprise with HD650 was that I can plug it directly to my phone (LG V50) and it also sounds really good. I was sure that I would need an amp to give it more power, but my phone does a nice job.
Although, there is a little bitter taste in this honey – I think that sometimes I miss a little high tones in HD650, vocals are sometimes a little laid back. It isn’t a huge disadvantage, I still love HD650’s sound, but I think that adding some highs would make this headphones perfect.

I know that this is not a good article to ask this question, but can you recommend some closed headphones (portable) which sound simillar to HD650 or Grado SR80e? Now I use AKG Y50, but I found it a little muddy, I miss clarity.

I haven’t subscribe your YouTube channel (yet 😉 ), but I watched some youtube posts and I started to follow you on FB.

P.S. Sorry for my English, but I’m not native, as you could noticed.

Stuart Charles Black December 14, 2020 - 4:59 pm

Hey Aggie! Great analysis and so glad you’re enjoying them! I do agree that the 650 can sound a bit lulled at times; as if it could benefit from some extra treble zest. Coming from an HD600, I do appreciate the more relaxed mid-range presentation because I feel at times the HD600 overdoes it a bit. Aside from that, it’s a perfect headphone, but I do prefer the 6XX or 650. 🙂

No worries! Your English is pretty good for not being a native!

Hmm. A closed back? How about something like an AKG K553? That article could probably use a refresh, but it’s a fantastic headphone! Soundstage is exemplary and it’s pretty balanced across the board with great clarity and detail. Let me know!

Thibault November 3, 2022 - 6:58 pm

what is the best bluetooth headphone wit hi-res audio support for heavy/power metal ? I’m a helloween/gamma ray/sonata arctic/stratovarius listening dude :p

Amir August 10, 2021 - 6:58 pm

Great article and great read. Thanks Stuart. Would love to read similar article on IEMs for Metal and hard rock. Hope you like this idea 🙂

Stuart Charles Black August 11, 2021 - 12:44 pm

Thanks man! I will definitely keep that in mind though I’m not a huge IEM fan lol.

Antony August 10, 2021 - 11:55 pm

Stuart, fantastic article and great recommendations. Great info about the poor recording, I always wondered why metal sounds a bit flat on more expensive cans, and why I keep gravitating towards my Grados for metal! Now I know NOT to spend more on expensive headphones to make metal sound better.
PS- I like Grado MS1 and 325e for metal (and guitars in general).

Stuart Charles Black August 11, 2021 - 12:44 pm

Thank you so much, man! As much as I bag on Grado, I actually do love them for metal and rock. It’s just that 2kHz is way too forward. Other than that they’re mostly great cans 🙂 So glad you’re enjoying! Reach out anytime if you need a hand.

Alex D February 15, 2022 - 2:39 am

Cool article, there aren’t many “audiophile” websites that would focus only on metal! Personally, I own the HD650 and I think it is the absolute perfect metal headphone. It’s never fatiguing for this ridiculous genre and presents every recording well, from terribly produced black metal to hyper produced djent/prog. I own a Grado SR80X, but for me it is too bright for metal. I really only use it for classical recordings (which it is amazing at.)

Thanks for writing this up, it was a fun read! I have enjoyed the SHP9500 in the past for metal as well!

Stuart Charles Black February 16, 2022 - 9:46 pm

Hey man, thank you so much, and great to hear! I’m actually going back and editing/revising this series so it should be interesting to read this again seeing if my impressions have changed any. I also really would like to try the Grado X series but haven’t gotten my hands on them yet. What is your favorite type of metal? And I totally agree about Grado and Classical. In fact, it still made the cut after the recent update.

Diego April 20, 2022 - 9:39 am

Hi Stu!
Beautiful article, very interesting. Can I ask you to draw up a similar list for in-ear headphones (or IEM)? I am looking for something mobile and small like in ear. I play and listen mainly to Metal (all sub genres), Rock (all sub genres), Goth, Dark, ElectroRock EBM and Nordic folk genres. They are all genres of alternative music, but they share a mastery of bass that must be powerful but precise without muddying mids and highs, keeping voices and guitars in emphasis. I kindly ask for an opinion and maybe advice for purchases for a budget 0-100 € at the moment for this type of product. Thank you so much

Stuart Charles Black April 21, 2022 - 1:43 pm

Hey Diego!

Thanks for the love, my friend.

Unfortunately, I don’t have nearly as much experience listening with IEMs as I do with headphones, so I may not be a huge help to you. I will say that I love the Tin T2 and recommend them a lot as they’re pretty fantastic and sound great for all genres and fits right in your price range. Check out my review here. Aside from that, I’ve heard a few others but the T2 definitely stands out as being the best.

Let me know what you think!

Rachel July 24, 2022 - 3:54 pm

Where would you put Bose 700s on this list, or compared some of the mid or higher priced headphones? I got these for a better sound with post-hardcore, but Ive become pretty dissatisfied over time. I need a big step up.

Stuart Charles Black July 26, 2022 - 3:26 pm

Hey Rachel!

I haven’t heard the 700s. Really only have experience with a couple of their headphones including the QC35 and another one from long ago that was a gift.

If you’re looking to have your face melted off, I’d certainly go straight to the HD25 and not look back. You won’t be sorry, trust me lol.

Keep me posted!

Toast September 26, 2022 - 12:18 pm

Cheers for the fantastic guide Stuart!

My current favourite set for the majority of my metal listening is the Soundmagic HP151. It has the most pleasing punch; the guitars and bass seem to align nicely in a focused aural assault.
If you need your death metal to slam, these will do the job with aplomb. Lots of weighty thwomp to the breakdowns in Suffocation’s ‘Pierced Within’.
Proggier stuff is also served well here – I especially enjoy the ‘In Contact’ album by Caligula’s Horse on these – ‘Graves’ being the standout song. Karnivool’s ‘Sound Awake’ album in its entirety is also an excellent reference piece.
Black metal, in particular the bad lo-fi recordings, could suffer to some people’s ears on these – I reckon that they are a touch too warm for the bleakness inherent in that genre.
There is something lacking in the HP151’s mids, so it’s perhaps not the most versatile set of headphones; I wouldn’t reach for them when wanting to consume lots of classical or soundtracks.
Build quality isn’t great either, my first set (bought back in 2018) developed the dreaded breaking at the hinge problem, and therefore lost all of its clamping ability on the left side. I did use them for almost two and a half years straight, and they broke during the height of the pandemic, so wear and tear is expected take its toil on the plastic structure.
I missed their sound signature a lot, and decided to get a replacement late last year. It was great to reunite with an old friend.

I prefer these over my other closed backs:
The K371 is too shouty for my tastes; everything sounds like it’s turned to up to eleven, and it becomes difficult to focus in on an individual instrument.
Cooler Master MH752 (via 3.5mm jack) – too relaxed for heavy music.
Denon Music Maniac AH-D600 – I mostly use these for movie watching, since they have too much excess bass presence for music, but are surprisingly not muddy enough to become a complete write off. The low end in Dream Theater’s Lie will knock you off your perch!

I’ve yet to try the HD-25, since it is more expensive than the HP151 (here in the UK), but I may add it to the consideration list eventually.

It’s trickier to settle upon a winner within my small collection of open backs:
I appreciate the detail of my K702, but to me its presentation can feel too thin + sterile. Maybe the perfect headphone to grab when you want to digest the coldness of …And Justice for All.
The X2HR can almost approach the HP151’s level of punch, but it gets too bright at times; cymbal hits are especially fatiguing after a while.
The Fidelio X3 is far too polite and will oftentimes expose a bad recording with its extreme detail, but lead guitars really sing on these.
The HD 599 SE is ridiculously comfortable, so I do listen to metal on it, but to me it’s a master of none in terms of sonics. You can wear these things for many hours without cooking your noggin, so I just turn off the critical part of my listening habits.
I’ve tried the SHP9600 at my Dad’s place. I’ve not used them for long enough to form a complete opinion, but they seem to excel with the glammier side of eighties heavy metal.

I’m wondering whether this new company, Heavys, will actually produce the ultimate headphones for metal. Axel Grell looks to be involved, but I am not certain whether a portable multi-driver Bluetooth headset will knock it out of the park upon a first attempt.

Stuart Charles Black September 28, 2022 - 4:11 pm

Thank you so much! I put a lot of effort into this so glad to see it’s helping someone.

Just favorited that In Contact album. I love prog! I will also try the K702 with …And Justice For All. I do like some metal from time to time. Currently, I’m going through Pink Floyd’s entire catalogue again.

Agree about the 599. 500 series headphones in general are quite boring. I think the 560S was masterfully tuned but ends up still being too dull for my tastes.

9500 is such a great headphone for micro detail. I didn’t like the 9600 much and ended up selling it, but kept my 9500. Bought it in 2017-2018. Can’t remember which year.

The HD25 to this day is the best headphone for metal imo. It’s just so perfect. I can’t even describe it in a way that will do it justice. But if you can get your hands on one while you wait for the Axel Grell project, I’d say go for it.

Toast September 29, 2022 - 3:29 pm

Cheers for the reply, Stu.

The Karnivool album that I mentioned is also worth checking out, the production is pleasingly organic.
A lot of interesting & exciting prog bands have been emerging from Australia over the past decade and a half.

I got the HD 599 SE a few months ago since it was going for super cheap, and it’s my first proper Sennheiser in a long time, barring a gaming headset (PC 350 SE) acquired in 2016. The 599 is certainly the most lively Senn. I’ve owned so far, but that’s not saying much when the PC 350 SE sounded really sterile and thin. I’ve read elsewhere that it’s based on old HD 595 drivers, and these are housed in a closed back set.
I was looking into jumping up to the 600 series, but they are extremely expensive in the UK, and the Massdrop 6XX is only available via import and costs just as much, if you factor in shipping and fees.
The 560S looked to be a sidegrade to the K702, so it got eliminated.

I’ve not tried out the SHP9500, but I am aware of it being highly recommended, especially for gaming.
My Fidelio X3 is a fantastic all rounder; I use it mainly for consuming music, gaming and movies/TV on my PC. It really excels with soundtracks and classical.
The X2HR is a better choice for metal since it has more low end punch, but there are tonal shortcomings – as mentioned in my previous post. The X3 beats it in terms of comfort, weight, materials & build quality.

The Heavys have been delayed, again, according to their Kickstarter page.
I’ll put the HD 25 on my Christmas list.

Enjoy your Pink Floyd journey!

Correction: Suffocation’s ‘Pierced from Within’

Stuart Charles Black October 2, 2022 - 9:28 pm

Yeah, the 560S is def a side-grade to the 702. Good headphones, but as mentioned in my 560S video and article, I wouldn’t buy it if I already had a 702.

And thanks! The Floyd journey has been fun so far. I’m on Meddle now 🙂

Will add the Karnivool one as well! Also would def like to try the X3 at some point. Heard great things.

Re: HD25. You won’t be sorry; unless of course, you’re a weenie. Which I know you’re not. xD

Keep in touch,


Toast October 3, 2022 - 10:30 am

Your written review of the K702 certainly helped me make the right choice.

Got an email from Soundmagic. They are knocking off 30% via vouchers on their Amazon stores.
You can get the HP151 for 70 bucks. That’s a bargain and a half! Would be curious to get your opinion of them…

Stuart Charles Black October 4, 2022 - 3:12 pm

Nice! So glad it helped. I will probably have to hold off on that for now. Me and gear are just not going well together at the moment. xD

Toast October 4, 2022 - 4:42 pm

I hope that the minor gear problem gets resolved! Can’t be conducive to this site’s raison d’être.

Let me know how you get along with Karnivool & Caligula’s Horse.

P.S. – Heavys have delayed their debut Bluetooth headphones to March 2023!

Stuart Charles Black October 6, 2022 - 1:28 pm

Well, this site is ultimately about the home studio and music, less so gear. That said, I like headphones but generally loathe dacs. Which is why I’m veering away from them moving forward.

Will do!

TOAST January 1, 2023 - 8:36 pm

A small update: I didn’t end up getting the HD25 for Christmas.
I got sick of my old Sennheiser PC 350 Special Edition headset’s weak sound delivery, even after fitting new velour earpads a couple of months ago, so I decided to look for a total replacement.
I ended up getting the EPOS H6PRO Open Back headset (the classy green version), as it was heavily discounted in December. You can detach the microphone arm, and use them purely as normal headphones, which is a nice bonus.
To my surprise they are actually quite adept at playing a lot of metal music genres, since they provide a decent level of low end and are very slam capable. They don’t go quite as deep as the X2HR or HP151, but have the advantage of not having the harsh high end of the former, and are more comfortable + airy than the latter.
I would describe them as semi-open back, since the side grilles only expose half of the inner workings. Very good for games in general, as intended, but I wouldn’t use them for more relaxed genres or critical listening.
I was interested in getting the EPOS PC38X, but importing Mass Drop stuff to the UK is annoying and expensive. Apparently the H6PRO uses the same driver as the PC38X, so it’s somewhat related sonically.
I hope that you had a nice Christmas and New Year, Stuart.

Stuart Charles Black January 2, 2023 - 6:20 pm

Hey man thanks for the update! Glad you’re liking them 🙂 Same to you and hope you have a fantastic 2023! Keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions moving forward.

mehr March 30, 2023 - 11:13 am

tnx dude for this article !
im planning to buy a tws specially for metal music ! what do you suggest ?
could you please give me options in all budgets !
tnx again

Stuart Charles Black April 3, 2023 - 2:46 pm

Hey there thank you for your comment and my pleasure! Unfortunately, I’m not really the guy to ask about TWS/IEMs; I haven’t heard enough of them to formulate any sort of solid opinions on which would be best for a genre like metal. I wish I could be of more help! Let me know if I can help in any other way.


Victor April 15, 2023 - 9:05 am

Hello there,
First of all awesome guide and awesome site. I’m a complete neophyte to the audiophile world and after reading this guide I decided to try the AKG702 first and the HE400se after a few days. I used them directly from my laptop, without any amp or DAC and from my experience the AKG work well directly, while the HE does not, the sound feel muffled and not clear. I saw from your Top 5 headset under 500$ that you suggested using an amp with both of these headset so I have some questions:
1) You suggest an AMP just because of volume or it also influence the quality of the audio? Because both headset reached a high enough volume (I use the AKG around 40-60% while the HE at 90%)
2) If so would you say that there is a big difference in using the AKG with or without an AMP/DAC?
3) The mid to high frequence of the HE feel really lucklaster, do you think that it has to do with the lack of an AMP/DAC or is it just that it has a different sound from the AKG?
4) At higher volume both headset scratch a little, does this have to do with the DAC?
Thanks in advance

Stuart Charles Black April 17, 2023 - 12:06 pm

Hey man thank you for your nice comment!

I would say it really depends on your PC/Laptop and the quality of the internal Soundcard. What are you using?

Not sure about the mids because they have a presence boost around 2kHz which I really like. I also like the highs, so it could come down to what you’re running with them.

I say this because the K702 is pretty inefficient and while I wouldn’t mortgage away my kidney to buy an Amp/DAC, they do need something fairly substantial like an ATOM or K5 Pro/K7.

In other words, your PC/Laptop may be hindering you.

Could you go into more detail about the scratching thing?

Thanks again for reaching out!


Victor April 18, 2023 - 3:08 pm

I couldn’t find any informaton on the soundcard since I’m using the integrated one of my laptop, it’s a gaming laptop of the hp pavilion series, all I know it’s that it use realtek high definition audio. With scratching I mean that the treble when at high volume becomes a little distorted.
Also, my old man has a ROTEL RA-810A that he used to amp his speakers, so I was thinking of trying it with both the headset to see if I hear any difference

Stuart Charles Black April 22, 2023 - 12:53 pm

Yeah man try it out and let me know! Thanks for clarifying. Yeah given what you’ve said, I would probably try an Amp/DAC. I can’t remember if I mentioned them, but the K5 Pro or ATOM would be my recommendations! That said, the Rotel may be perfectly fine too.

Em May 9, 2023 - 10:47 pm

So I’m surprised I didn’t see a LCD 2 or 3 on the list. Anyone use either of them for metal? Surprisingly I think I like a bit of controlled treble for metal ala grado.

Stuart Charles Black May 10, 2023 - 8:59 pm

Actually thanks for mentioning those! I may have to add the LCD-2 as I love the headphone for pretty much all genres. It’s actually one of my go-to cans above mid-fi and I recommend it a lot. The LCD-3 also changed my life, so it’s tough to decide between the 2.

Em May 13, 2023 - 9:07 am

I bet. I included a test track of you still have either of those.


Stuart Charles Black May 14, 2023 - 9:21 am

Crap, don’t have them on hand at the moment but next time I’m at AudioAdvice I will make a note to try and get them on loan again. The LCD-2 with the Black Label was next level for me!

WARNER December 14, 2023 - 1:17 pm


Stuart Charles Black December 15, 2023 - 4:17 pm


You’re Welcome!!


Eeshan Dev February 26, 2024 - 12:30 pm

Hello Stuart! Great article! Never seen such a comprehensive article about headgear for metal music specifically. I wonder how I didn’t come across this website and article before this! As you can guess, I’m searching for good open back Headphones for listening to metal music. My library consists primarily of metal, rock and instrumental music. I already own few IEMs that I enjoy with metal but in the headphones department, my K361 and HD599 don’t do this genre justice. So, after reading your article, I’m considering this:

Get HifiMan HE400Se with iFi Hip Dac 3. I just moved to a new city, so I have space restrictions at my new place. Hence desktop setup is out of the question currently. Otherwise I would’ve gone with Fiio K11. Hip Dac 3 would be portable and then I would be able to use it with my laptop, my phones and Sony Walkman DAP. I have two questions. One, would the HE400Se be a substantial upgrade to my current Headphones? Second, would you recommend getting iFi Hip Dac 3 if I already have a dongle DAC, xDuoo Link 2 Bal. Its output power is
3.5mm: 125mW@32ohm
4.4mm : 270Mw@32ohm

Is it advisable to invest in iFi Hip DAC 3 when I already have xDuoo DAC for HE400SE? In the review for HE400SE, I saw that you were able to drive it with Fiio BTR3K, BTR5 and Dragonfly Red. So I’m just confused. I have decided on HE400SE, but unsure about a new DAC. Please help me out!

Stuart Charles Black February 29, 2024 - 7:59 pm


Thank you so much for the vote of confidence! Share if you can and spread the word 🙂

I think you’ll love the 400se but I will caution you about the mid-range decline after 1kHz. It can render the headphones (and thus the music) a bit dull at times, but it’s a minor nitpick.

Hmm. With those parameters, yeah, the hip will be fine.

As for the 400se being a substantial upgrade from K361 and HD599? I haven’t heard the K361 but have heard the 371. They’re pretty similar, so yes. And the 400se is certainly a step up from the 599. Substantial? I’d say so. The planar sound is something you can only experience once, and it is indeed quite unforgettable. The biggest difference you’ll notice is the timbre and resolution are much better, but the source file is super important here too.

Because Metal music is typically not mastered all that well, you may not be blown away with certain recordings. I also find Metal to be very thin and anemic (at least older Thrash/bad recordings). I guess it depends on what kind you listen to. For rock and everything else, the 400se is perfect.

And LOL. I’m probably NOT the guy to ask if you want to upgrade DACS as I really hate them, so no. I’d keep what you have. It has plenty of power for most anything. If you were curious as to why (and my general philosophy on gear), read my ethos.

The hip series, to me, has become a colossal waste of time and money. I was over that lineup after the hip-dac 2 came out and finding out it was the exact same thing as the hip 1 with a different color (*eye roll*). The hip-dac 3 does make some small improvements (USB-C and some other things) but it’s still unnecessary in the long run.

Hope that helps man!

Please let me know and keep me posted with any questions.


Eeshan Dev March 9, 2024 - 11:59 am

Hey Stuart! Received my HE400SE today along with iFi Uno. And I’m having a blast! None of my IEMs or other two headphones come even closer to the HE400SE. These are insane for the price I paid! I got the Uno because it is really portable and I will only use it with my laptop. I try to use either Apple Music or local Flac files 16 bit/24 bit when I listen to music.

Bass is just perfect. Not overdone, not lacking. That’s just how I like the bass. I’m not treble sensitive so I feel that treble could use just a little more sparkle but still then I feel its great because I won’t have to worry about listening fatigue. Riffs sound so great on these! Grainy, growly! I agree wholeheartedly with you. Planar sound and timbre is really something else and so addictive.

I do listen to a lot of 80s metal and I agree that 80s metal was recorded very poorly and sound thin and muffled. HE400SE don’t show any mercy towards such recordings but it is good in a way that I get to listen to the recordings as they were intended. I’m so glad that I came across this wonderful website and this article that helped me decide for such an insane audio setup. Thank you so much Stu for all the help and inputs. And just like you, I also believe that different DACs don’t sound different. Even if they do, my ears aren’t trained enough to notice any differences.

Thanks again! If I ever feel like upgrading from this setup, I’ll definitely post a comment here to get your inputs and advice!

Stuart Charles Black March 9, 2024 - 10:41 pm


Dude! That’s awesome! So glad to hear you’re enjoying them 🙂 Please do keep me posted on your impressions and yeah, you may be getting sucked down the rabbit hole hahah. I feel like it’s kind of inevitable to be honest with you. Enjoy the honeymoon phase and try to remain satisfied for as long as you can! 😛

Yup, there’s nothing like the planar sound when you first hear it. That’s what makes it so hard not to get sucked in.

In any event, thank you so much! I’m super thankful for your readership and hope to chat again. Browse the site! There’s a lot of good stuff here. And don’t worry about DACS. Trust me on that. Your ears are trained fine and there’s nothing to discern. I’m coming out with a video on this actually, so stay tuned for that on my channel.

Talk soon man!



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