Greetings mate, and Welcome aboard!
Stuart Charles here, helping YOU make sound decisions leading to a beautiful audio experience that will make you fall in love with music (NOT gear), all over again, so…
I finally got my hands on a 58X thanks to a cousin of mine who decided he was tired of his baby messing around with the cables and ruining his life.
“I treat my headphones like glass, man. Can’t be having any of that.”
Those were his exact words LOL. Joe Pesci don’t f around.
He told me he planned to invest in some sort of speaker setup and perhaps revisit headphones at a later date.
It seems babies are all the rage these days and everyone’s having ’em, but they don’t mix well with audio.
Another of my audio homies, Luke, told me his baby recently stepped on his HD598 and destroyed it.
Darned babies. You can’t trust ’em.
In any event,
let’s get into the Senny HD58X review and find out what it’s all about.
This article will attempt to cover everything you could ever want to know about the Drop/Sennheiser collaboration.
We’ll discuss build, comfort, sound, Soundstage, Amplification, genre, gaming, reference, some quick comparisons to other headphones, and anything in between.
By the end, you should know exactly whether or not this headphone is for you.
So let’s get rolling!
Build & Comfort
The Sennheiser HD58X retains all of the qualities that made its predecessors great.
It’s lightweight but solid, it’s not overly bulky, and all parts are replaceable.
Bob (my cousin) even included a 2.5mm balanced cable into the mix which pairs very well with the FiiO K3 that I have here at the crib.
More on that later.
In terms of construction, I’ve already dropped it a few times and it’s completely fine.
Unlike Bob, I don’t treat my headphones like glass. It’s more like a frisbee.
Here, boy! Fetch!
*Throws 58x for the doge to fetch*
We’ve got the standard 2-pin termination into each of the cups, a 3.5mm Jackson at the business end, and a 1/4″ adapter.
The same oval-shaped velour ear cups return, and the headband boasts the cratered pad that was present in the original HD650.
HD650’s cratered pad
The cratered pad makes yet another return.
Unlike the speckled blue finish of the HD600 and gray metal flake of the 650, here we have an all-black profile that looks rather sleek and elegant.
The fit is still north of snug (read: it can feel like a vice grip at first), but does open up over time.
The headband adjustments are still thin metal and adjusting it results in a rather satisfying click for each side.
They aren’t numbered,
so if you’re OCD like me or @Metal571, you’ll have to collapse both into their starting positions and then count, sort of like this:
The HD58X is another headphone that should theoretically last you a long time given proper care.
Replace the pads when they wear down, experiment with cables, and you can even take them apart and clean the headphones if that’s your thing.
Just keep in mind that the headband has been known to snap under pressure like Henry Hill in Goodfellas.
Comfort is extremely good on any 500/600 model, and the 58X is no different.
- Required Reading: Sennheiser HD58X vs. 6XX vs. 600 vs. 650
In fact, these are ranked rather highly on my most comfortable headphones of all-time list, and I’ve always likened them to receiving a warm hug from an old friend.
They just feel right.
Clamping force is good, there’s hardly any headband dig, and you can wear them for long hours with minimal adjustments.
This isn’t a headphone you’ll be worrying about much, and while it doesn’t feel like “air” it’s also not that noticeable when it’s sitting on your head after the clamp settles in.
How does it sound?
- Amps Used: xDuoo TA-20
- Amp/DACS Used: AudioQuest DragonFly Red, iFi Zen, FiiO K3, FiiO BTR3K, FiiO K5 Pro, Burson Audio Playmate 2.
- Source(s): Spotify Premium, Soundcloud, YouTube, General Listening (Podcasts, Baseball game recaps, etc.)
- Playlist: Here and Here! Keep in mind total hours will always exceed what you see on Spotify as I don’t add every single song I listen to.
What’s interesting about this headphone is that you can’t really tell it’s flawed until you put it up against a perfectly tuned headphone like Sennheiser’s HD560S.
The catch is that these same flaws actually work in the headphones’ favor (for the most part).
In other words,
the 560S is almost too correct if that makes sense (read: it can sound kind of dull), while the HD58X adds some coloration to the mix, taking the 58X’s drab sentiment and kicking it up a notch.
But how are the headphones flawed, you ask?
As I was sitting down to do a mammoth back-and-forth gaming comparison with the Zen V2 and my PS4 playing Fallout 4, something jumped out at me.
The 58X has this weird, sort of overly dense/lush character to it.
It can sound kind of jarring when you’re going back and forth between it and the 560S, and it’s most definitely colored to an extent.
There’s this sheen of aggressiveness that the 58X has (as if it’s trying to tell you it’s a fun headphone), and the kicker is that it is!
I really do enjoy it if I’m being honest.
In fact,
in some ways, I kind of prefer it over my HD600 as crazy as that may sound to some.
The HD600 sounds a bit more relaxed than a 58X, and the 650 even more so.
The 58X is definitely the most “fun” or “colored” sounding out of the 3, while the 650 is assuredly the warmest and most “syrupy”.
The 58X is not a perfect-sounding headphone which is precisely what makes it good.
I would liken the 58X to a girl, who, on the surface isn’t really your type.
It’s only when you open up your heart to her that you fall in love.
It’s only when you stop being a shallow insensitive douchecanoe do your preconceived notions of attraction fly out the window.
In the case of the 58x, its flaws, while apparent, don’t ruin the experience for me when I’m just listening to it on its own.
As in, you may not really care that it’s flawed. You may come to adore its idiosyncrasies.
Those same issues that manifest in a back-and-forth comparison with other headphones actually enhance my overall enjoyment when I’m just listening to music, gaming, or watching a film with the 58X.
you’ll notice the mid-range tends to jump out at you more so than a 560S, and vocals, in particular, can sound a bit gruff and almost overly forward.
I discussed this a bit with regard to a track like Common’s “The Light”, one I’ve heard hundreds (if not thousands) of times since it came out in 2000.
His voice is a bit too in your face while the 560S sounds more natural and organic.
Emily Rowed’s voice on “Let Me Hurt (Acoustic)” is a bit too forward, but this could be the track itself and not the headphones.
Still, the pattern manifests itself on many songs so I’m inclined to think the 58X is just a little overexcited at times.
Bass & Treble
Fortunately, everything else is mostly right, which allows me to keep these on my head almost indefinitely.
One difference you’ll notice here vs. others in the line is the bass; there’s more of it for sure, but it’s still not over the top.
There’s less roll-off into the sub-bass regions, but it doesn’t really change anything if we’re being realistic. The majority of relevant low end information resides above 40Hz, and overall, the 58X’s bass mostly follows the same trajectory as the other models.
In other words, don’t expect bass cannons here. The bass is articulate, textured, nuanced, and revealing. Was that enough word salad?
Expect to actually hear bass notes.
Sounds crazy doesn’t it?
Snark aside, it’s headphones like the 58X that allow you follow individual bass lines and hear exactly what the artist is doing.
This opens up a whole new world of possiblities, in that, you will probably start listening to everything you’ve ever heard again just to see how it sounds through a headphone like this; one that actually has good resolution and realistic timbre.
And instead of making your ears bleed and having them implode later in life, the 58X has mercy on you like Jesus.
If the artist emphasized the bass while mixing down a track, you will certainly hear that thump or bloat or whatever it is; good or bad.
But the difference here is that the 58X doesn’t artificially boost it into oblivion to start, which is what you want. This allows you to experience the bass as it’s truly supposed to sound; under everything else and a complement to everything else; NOT the main focus.
That said, for some extra weight without going overboard, try a little rise/bump at approximately 60-90Hz if you want to do some EQ.
This is arguably the most important area of the bass NOT to screw up, and thankfully the 58X understands that these regions should absolutely not be boosted if your goal is to actually hear the music you’re listening to.
Again, it sounds wild, I know.
You mean to tell me that the song shouldn’t sound like it’s drowning in a sea of 4″ thick wool blankets?
Yes, that’s right you read that correctly!
The 58X understands frequency response rather well, and we’re all better off because of it.
The treble isn’t going to get out of line which is also an important piece to this.
If you’re super sensitive to it as I am, you’ll find that it sits nicely in the mix without sounding essy or sibilant; an issue in other headphones like the 400 series from HIFIMAN, M40x, DEVA, etc.
There’s sparkle and a sense of crispness to hi-hats, cymbals, and other information in this region, but it never sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
This, in addition to comfort, is what makes the 58X perfect for long listening or mixing sessions.
Speaking of, the 58x can work well for mixing and reference, but still, keep in mind that the HD600 is the preferred option here due to its more neutral profile.
- Required Reading: The Best Studio Headphones For Mixing, Mastering, And Music Production
While you won’t be compensating for a lack of sub-bass, the overall signature is just a bit too colored for serious mixing duties although it can still theoretically work.
What I believe part of the coloration/sense of unnaturalness (mentioned earlier) stems from is the region around 5-6kHz. If you plan to mix on these, that area will definitely need to be EQd down a bit.
Outside of that, these are good candidates for mixing down tracks, and are certainly an above-average choice here all things considered.
Soundstage, Gaming, and Film
Soundstage is one of the most peculiar things about the 58X, and something I was fairly surprised by.
It’s definitely not wide like a K702, but it can be out of your head; more so than an HD600 or even a 650.
It’s just a smidgen narrower than a 560S, but by and large the Soundstage on these 2 is pretty comparable.
The 58X, like the 560S, does a very good job of filling in the missing gaps to the northwest and northeast of your melon.
Moreover, you’ll definitely be wondering if what you just heard came from the track or outside of the headphones (i.e. in your apartment, outside the apartment, etc.), but not nearly as often as you will with something like a K702.
It’s comparable to a headphone like the Sundara or 400 series; above average in terms of Soundstage, but not exemplary.
In fact,
I would rank the 58X slightly above average and venturing towards completely above average.
It’s a notch below a Sundara or 400 series.
Here are some rankings that will help:
Screengrab was taken from the video review. Design courtesy of HSB.
Below average. Poor Soundstage, but a good overall separation of instruments.
About average Soundstage.
For whatever reason, I found the image here wider than that of an HD600, especially in playing Fallout 4.
The sounds seemed to be spaced out better.
Sennheiser HD58X
Slightly above average.
This is starting to veer toward 560S territory, but it’s not quite there.
Still, the 58X is more than a viable candidate for gaming and does really well all things considered.
HIFIMAN Sundara/400 series
Firmly above average.
Another step up from a 58X.
Not quite as good as a 560S or K702, but heading in that direction.
Sennheiser HD560S
The Soundstage here is a bit better than a 58X.
There are more out-of-your-head moments and your dome will certainly be on a swivel the majority of the time.
Highly recommended gaming headphones.
AKG K702
I personally prefer this more than all of the others, but your mileage may vary.
Some don’t like it for FPS, but I found it so realistic that I had to stop playing Call of Duty Warzone altogether.
The Soundstage is super wide, and you’ll hear pretty much any and every sound you could possibly imagine in-game.
The problem for some is that the direction of said sounds can be a bit hard to pinpoint, but I personally don’t have much of an issue with it.
All of the same applies in film.
The 58X may actually be better because it has that spicy flavor that makes the film more lively and engaging.
The distinction from headphone to headphone is kind of subtle, but I’d probably take the 560S or K702 for film over the others.
With the 58X, you’ll notice everything just seems a bit louder, with a little more oomph and sparkle.
If I could use an analogy, the sound of the 58X is like a photograph that has a little too much contrast.
As in, you can tell it’s doctored and seems just a smidgen overly drenched in color and lushness.
Again, this isn’t really a bad thing per se, it’s just immediately noticeable when going back and forth and seems flawed in that respect.
Amplification & Genre
The neat thing about the 58X is that its 150 Ohm Impedance is actually half that of the others in the line.
The 6XX, 600, and 650 all have a 300 Ohm Impedance and are harder to drive. Both the HD660S and 58X come in at 150.
You can imagine then what a great pair the K3 + 58X is due to the K3’s semi-limited power output out of the unbalanced jack. While you can still run an HD600 with it, driving a 58X is much easier.
In fact,
the 58X is incredibly easy to get pumping, so I wouldn’t worry about it much. Good pairings include the iFi Zen, FiiO K5 Pro/K7, FiiO BTR3K, E10K/K3, DragonFly Red, etc.
Sensitivity also sits a bit higher than the HD600 @ 104dB vs. 97.
All in all, you’ll seldom have an issue with any Amp/DAC paired with a 58X; something that makes it a great first purchase for budding audiophile snobs. Choosing a headphone amp/dac should always be easy.
To give you a visual, with the HD600/6XX/650 you’ll likely be around 1-2 o’clock on the Zen’s dial with power match on. With the 58X and 660S, you’ll be around 10-11 with power match.
Like the HD600, you’ll be listening to pretty much anything and everything, though the 58X works incredibly well with Rock, Hip-Hop, and Indie Pop music in particular.
The bulk of my listening sessions comprised these 3.
While it can and will work for lighter genres like Jazz and Classical, I may not use it full-time for those as I believe the K702 is a much better all-rounder for delicate compositions and lighter acoustic strumming.
Video Discussion
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Closing Thoughts
Sennheiser’s HD58X is a great all-rounder and sounds more or less like the others in the line, but it’s not tuned quite as well.
In other words, it may not be tonally superior to an original HD600, and it’s certainly not tuned as well as a 560S, but the more affordable price may be more enticing to a newbie who isn’t as familiar with the subtle nuances from headphone to headphone.
Back in 2019, a friend of mine fell in love with my HD600 when I let her borrow it and she knew pretty much jack squat about audio.
So in reality, the differences between the 58X and the HD600 may not matter much to you in the grand scheme of things.
Even with all that said, I still think there’s a better option than both the HD600 and 58X.
Learn More:
Sennheiser HD58X
Price: Check Drop!
In The Box
Sennheiser HD58X Headphones
1/4″ (6.35mm) adapter
Manufacturer’s 2-year warranty
Not included but pictured: 2.5mm balanced cable
Graph: Crinacle
Sennheiser HD58X
- Massdrop x Sennheiser
- Materials: Glossy black headband, gray metal grilles
- Fit: Over-ear (circumaural)
- Type: Open Back, dynamic
- Impedance: 150 ohms
- Frequency response: 12–38,500 Hz (-10 dB)
- THD + N: < 0.1% at 1 kHz, 100 dB
- Sound pressure level: 104 dB at 1V, 1 kHz
- Connector: ⅛ in (3.5 mm) gold-plated stereo jack plug
- Cable: 6 ft (1.8 m) OFC, detachable
- Weight without cable: Approx. 9.2 oz (260 g)
- Origin: Made in Romania
Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this Sennheiser HD58X Review/Shootout and came away with some valuable insight.
Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!
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Would you invest in a 58X? What is your experience with these headphones? I would love to hear your thoughts. Until next time…
All the best and God bless,
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Henry Green – Half Light (2018)
Masta Ace & Marco Polo – A Breukelen Story (2019)
Gustav Holst, Lorin Maazel, and Orchestre National de France – The Planets (1982)
Kinnship – Commensality (2020).
Helium – Homeshake (2019)
Emily Rowed – Crying in Cars (2021)
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I have these and I really enjoy them, they’re great all-rounders and I use them for everything, they are comfy for long sessions and are light, they also fit fine on my small head. I got hi-fi he4xx after these and I just keep going back to the 58x, maybe it’s a amp/dac issue though (smls ad18 and fiio e10k) you have to let us know if balanced did anything for you, it’s a factor I’m considering for when I get a dac/amp upgrade.
Yeah man, thank you for reminding me! I forgot to include balanced impressions in here as I used them with the 2.5mm cable into the K3. 🙂 Will update you soon.
I don’t know what foreign realm of unrealism you’ve entered our atmosphere from, but the HD58X is far from having any soundstage. I’ll admit you are right about them having a smidgen more than the HD600, but they neither sound out-of-head, nor spacious. They sound congested, narrow, and bland. Imaging is also not a strongsuit. The entire Sennheiser lineup suffers that same truth with the exception being the HD800’s, so they’re certainly not holographic.
PS: If you rate everything so highly, you’ll run out of space in your rankings for when something actually good comes along. You should be ranking /100 or higher, not 5. That being said, the HD58X is a solid C-tier headphone that I’d rate ~40/100, and not worth the price. The more recently released HiFiMan HE400SE is currently the better, for much cheaper too. Not deserving of your 4.8/5 score, unless your only other experience with audio is pressing a Black Eyed Peas Tooth-Tunes toothbrush against the inside of your sink for better sound projection/dispersion.
The ear pads shipped with newer HD 6** (since 2021) are a bit different sonically – slightly less warm sounding (1dB less in lower mids and bass). Solderdude (diyaudioheaven) showed his measurements on ASR forum. They’re more firm than the pre 2021 ear pads, maybe just slightly less comfortable because the foam profile is different. But on the positive note the foam should not collapse as fast as with the older pads. Yeah, the ‘stage with 600 series isn’t as wide as say AKG K7**, and as light, airy sounding either, but they’re decent deal for entry level hi-fi cans when purchased on sale if one enjoys warmed sound. I enjoy them more than Beyer DT 880 (or many other Beyers), which lacks upper mids and has unnaturally boosted treble. Even with EQ applied to both headphones to bring them to flat, they sound different, with Beyers having brighter presentation. Sennheisers are more comfortable as well on my not so large scull.
Thanks for the comment, Pawel! I would like to revisit this series soon. Just need a new pair of pads for the HD600 and someone to send over the 6XX.
Between the hd 560s, hd 599, and hd 58x which would you recommend exclusively for gaming? I’m looking for something to pair with my 6xx.
560S for sure! It’s a better version of the original 500 series. I go in-depth here in the review and include 58X comparison as well 🙂