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Big thanks to the folks over at JDS Labs for sending me this unit!
I am not being compensated by them for this review in any way. I’m simply giving my impressions of the Amp.
Hey there friend, and Welcome aboard!!
Before we get into the JDS Labs Objective 2 Headphone Amp Review, grab a snack, sit back and relax because…
You’ve come to the right place!!
What I will bring you in this review
My goal for this article (and all articles really) is an attempt to outline everything you could possibly want to know about the stuff in question. In the case of today, it concerns thefantastic Objective 2, a powerful entry-level amp from JDS Labs that trumps pretty much anything else in its price range or otherwise as far as value, price-to-performance ratio, clarity, and cleanliness.
With that, let’s dive in.
I’ll outline the importance of both the amp and dac (and why they’re needed) at the end in addition to an experiment I did that clarifies my point.
Black and Silver Edition: Default configuration, featuring front-mounted 3.5mm (1/8″) headphone jack, 3.5mm input jack, and AC power jack
Customize: Choose a 3.5mm or 6.35mm (1/4″) headphone jack, front or rear-mounted AC power jack, 3.5mm or RCA analog input jack, and custom gain levels.
Build Quality
The build quality of the Objective 2 is most excellent.
It’s just heavy enough and feels solid, rugged, and durable.
I feel like if I dropped it on the floor it would survive rather easily, and be ready to take more abuse. 😛
In fact,
this thing would probably survive a nuclear holocaust, so there’s that. It just feels like an asteroid in your hand.
The volume knob is solid, along with all of the input and output jacks.
The gain button as well as the power switch both feel satisfying to push and aren’t cheap at all.
We’ll talk about the gain and its effects on sound in a bit.
There’s really not much more to say about this puppy.
Surely it’s a bare-bones unit simply because it’s a standalone amp, but the build quality is fantastic and far exceeds what it should feel like given how affordable it is.
Here I was comparing the Audioengine D1 with the Objective 2, this time pairing it with a DAC Magic 100.
It most certainly is.
Not only does it work with all headphones, but it leaves a pretty small footprint on your desk.
It’s extremely good at its job, much like an efficient co-worker who gets sh** done.
The sound of the Objective 2 is certainly its most impressive quality.
Coming from an Amp/DAC like the HA-2 or E10K, you can clearly (no pun intended) understand what NwAvGuy’s (Northwest Audio Video Guy) intention was when designing and building this amp.
In 2 words: Cleanliness & Clarity.
This amp is one of the most transparent offerings that I’ve heard out of everything I’ve demoed.
In a comparison with the HA-2 and E10K, you can tell that there’s a hint of warmth in those, vs. the complete sterility of the Objective.
It reminds me of ice actually.
It’s cold and clinical, so be prepared to hear everything in its most raw state (good or bad).
If the song sounds bad, it’s most certainly the source, and not the headphones or amp.
Fortunately, the majority of tracks left me speechless with regard to clarity, micro detail, air, space, dynamics, instrument timbre,resolution, attack, sustain, and decay.
This amp really has a way of separating instruments and pinpointing specific sounds with laser-like precision and accuracy.
It’s like you’re getting a glimpse into the recording environment where the track was made.
You kind of get a sense of being in the studio with certain tracks, as there’s this phenomenal sense of spacing and air.
You may be familiar with the somewhat narrow image of the venerable HD600.
They are almost notorious for not having a very good Soundstage.
The precision and instrument separation is there, but the image itself isn’t very wide.
Enter the Objective 2.
I’m not saying that the Soundstage here magically becomes 100x better, but what I am saying is that you may feel it improves somewhat.
I’ve experienced more “out of my head” feelings with the 600 paired with this amp than any other I’ve tried.
There were a few times in particular when I perceived the sound coming from outside of the cans, which is something that rarely happens with these headphones.
In more recent years I’ve sort of chalked this up to the track in question, but there’s no doubt that the Objective 2 was a fantastic amp.
To hook up a DAC to your console, it will need to have Toslink/Optical capabilities.
Here are some DACs I recommend for this purpose to pair with the updated ATOM.
More on the ATOM in the final word.
Cambridge Audio DAC Magic 100. This is a great unit and comes equipped with RCA output, Toslink/Optical, S/PDIF, and USB. Nowadays I believe it to be overpriced, but it’s still very solid.
JDS’ own ATOM DAC. The ATOM DAC is more affordable than the above DAC Magic 100 and should likely be paired with the ATOM. It also has an optical input for use with a console so you’re able to stack them and game just as you would with the original Objective 2 (as seen above).
The second question might be: “Will I also need a DAC?”
The issue of Amps and DACs can be confusing if you’re new to the hobby, and a lot of the time it’s simply because people fail to explain it with any sort of clarity.
What is a DAC anyway?
A DAC is simply a Digital to Analog Converter my friend.
It converts the digital signal from your computer (the 1s and 0s that your PC understands) into the sweet sweet analog sound that you hear and understand.
In a microphone recording, you’re screaming obscenities into the mic and your computer has to process it into language that it can understand (called binary). It does this in the form of 1s and 0s.
This cable’s 3.5mm jack plugs into the front of Objective 2.
The RCA males run into the back of the Modi.
Now because I have this cable, I was able to do an experiment.
The Experiment
I ran the mini end of the cable into the 3.5mm jack on my laptop, and the RCA ends into the Magni. This basically means I’m using the internal Soundcard of my laptop as a DAC (discussed previously). What is a Soundcard?
In a nutshell?
The sound wasn’t bad per se, but it took the gain switch on PLUS the volume turned up all the way to reach a listenable level.
I was actually quite surprised by how decent the actual sound quality was once I got it loud enough, but you could hear a clear difference vs. Objective 2.
There was really no comparison as far as crisp detail, impact, cleanliness, and weight.
My laptop’s internal Soundcard (DAC) was a bit flabby/loose sounding, with poor volume and some faint static/noise that I could hear.
In no way ideal, friend.
One thing to keep in mind is that I was in fact using an older laptop with a somewhat bad internal Soundcard.
Newer laptops, PCs, and newer technology have come a long way.
Whereas 5-10 years ago (and beyond) you had to put up with this sort of thing, nowadays most computers, phones, tablets, etc. do provide better built-in converters.
You may not even need a DAC at all in some cases, but for audiophiles, it’s kind of how they roll. 😛
Here I tried both an E10K and K3 as a DAC into the ATOM.
Alternatively, you could also use something like a FiiO E10K as a standalone DAC.
Instead of using the RCA to mini that we discussed above, you would use a simple 3.5mm to 3.5mm interconnect cable such as this one.
The main point?
Invest in a good DAC.
Also, understand that it’s not necessary to go crazy in buying a really expensive one.
The differences are fairly marginal in my opinion, and a DAC of around $100-200 will be more than enough. The important thing is to just have one.
Well that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this JDS Labs Objective 2 Headphone Amp Review and came away with some valuable insight.
Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!
Marvin, what do you make of all this? I would love to hear from you. Until next time..
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Stu is determined to help you make sound decisions, and strives to deliver the best and most in depth content on the internet! In his spare time, he likes to fish, paint, play guitar, pray, rap, make beats, take photos, record videos, graphic design, and more. His sense of humour, coupled with a knack for excellence and strict attention to detail are what allow him to stand out in an crowded industry.
Thanks a lot for this review man. You’re probably the most reasonable down to earth reviewer i have ever seen when it comes to audio gear. Your review’s help a lot when it comes to budget conscious buyers like me. Yes! Budget conscious because the US$ is sky rocketing and everything has become unbearably expensive for me right now.
I am trying to find an Objective 2 Chinese build if possible because Mayflower and JDS Labs both are coming from USA and the shipping is almost expensive as the unit itself.
Hey Stuart, recently I bought this amplifier. It has 2 internal rechargeable batteries inside. So my question is, do I always need to plug the AC adapter everytime im using it, even though it has 2 batteries inside? How to use this thing? It’s my first time having an amplifier that has both batteries inside and an AC adaptor, I’m afraid of using it wrongly and damaging the batteries.
Thank you for the comment/question! When I had one, yes, it was plugged in full-time. From what I remember, you can’t actually use it without the power adapter. I’m assuming you also have a DAC to plug into the Objective 2? If so, let me know what it is.
Thanks a lot for this review man. You’re probably the most reasonable down to earth reviewer i have ever seen when it comes to audio gear. Your review’s help a lot when it comes to budget conscious buyers like me. Yes! Budget conscious because the US$ is sky rocketing and everything has become unbearably expensive for me right now.
I am trying to find an Objective 2 Chinese build if possible because Mayflower and JDS Labs both are coming from USA and the shipping is almost expensive as the unit itself.
Hey man thanks so much for the encouraging words!
I really don’t think there is any Chinese models of this unit. Where are you by the way?
Hey Stuart, recently I bought this amplifier. It has 2 internal rechargeable batteries inside. So my question is, do I always need to plug the AC adapter everytime im using it, even though it has 2 batteries inside? How to use this thing? It’s my first time having an amplifier that has both batteries inside and an AC adaptor, I’m afraid of using it wrongly and damaging the batteries.
Thank you for the comment/question! When I had one, yes, it was plugged in full-time. From what I remember, you can’t actually use it without the power adapter. I’m assuming you also have a DAC to plug into the Objective 2? If so, let me know what it is.