Greetings mate, and Welcome aboard!
Stuart Charles here, helping YOU make sound decisions leading to a beautiful audio experience that will make you fall in love with music (NOT gear) all over again, so…
Let’s dive into the Chord Mojo vs. Hugo and see which one comes out on top.
By the end of this article,
you’ll know exactly which one is worth your money and why.
Hugo 2, reporting for duty.
Technical Specifications
Chord Mojo
Note: I’m linking the Mojo II because the original isn’t available anymore.
Price: Check Amazon! | Check Chord!
- 1x Micro USB 768kHz/32-bit Capable Input
- 1x 3.5mm Jack Coaxial 768kHz/32-bit Capable Input
- 1x Optical TOSLINK 96kHz/24-bit Capable Input
- 1x 1amp Micro USB Charging Port Input
- 2x 3.5mm Headphone Jacks
Technical Specs:
- Output Power @ 1kHz – 600Ω 35mW
- Output Power @ 1kHz – 8Ω 720mW
- Output Impedance: 75mOhms
- Dynamic Range: 125dB
- THD @ 3v: 0.00017%
- Weight: 180g (0.4lbs)
- Dimensions: 82mm (l) x 60mm (w) x 22mm (h)
Chord Hugo 2
Price: Check Amazon! | Check Chord!
- Chipset: Chord Electronics custom-coded Xilinx Artix 7 (XC7A15T) FPGA
- Tap-length: 49,152
- Pulse array: 10-element pulse array design
- Frequency response: 20Hz – 20kHz +/- 0.2dB
- Output stage: Class A
- Output impedance: 0.025Ω
- THD: <0.0001% 1kHz 3v RMS 300Ω
- THD and noise at 3v RMS: 120dB at 1kHz 300ohms ‘A’ wighted (reference 5.3v)
- Noise 2.6 uV ‘A’ weighted: No measurable noise floor modulation
- Signal-to-noise ratio: 126dB ‘A’ Weighted
- Channel separation: 135dB at 1kHz 300Ω
- Power output @ 1kHz 1% THD: 94mW 300Ω
- 740mW 32Ω
- 1050mW 8Ω
- Weight: 365g
- Dimensions: 2.1cm (H) 10cm (W) 13cm (D)
- Boxed Dimensions: 8.5cm (H) 12.2cm (W) 22cm (D)
Build Quality
To begin, both the Mojo and Hugo 2 are built incredibly well, but I will caution you that the Mojo specifically can run a bit hot due to its Class-A components.
The Hugo is larger and boxier, with hard, rectangular edges and a bulkier overall aesthetic.
The Mojo is smaller, has rounded-off corners, and is much more practical for on-the-go use.
In fact,
it’s a great portable device but also works well on your desktop.
Both utilize those unique globe balls albeit in slightly different ways.
The green-eye-looking thing you see controls the volume and turns like a bowling ball on top of a ball return.
With the Mojo, you’ll press the globe balls to increase or decrease volume.
I find both fairly intuitive and also fun to use.
Micro USB slots.
The balls near the bottom of the Hugo represent your filter, input, X-PHD, and the On/Off button.
Below that, you’ll find the charging port on the right and the play port on the left.
The X-PHD adjusts the crossfeed between left and right channels, and the input button scrolls between sources while the Mojo does not.
The filter button changes the frequency response, and the power button all the way to the right is rather self-explanatory.
The Mojo provides a power button and volume buttons.
So basically, if you’re using a Hugo 2 with a Gaming console and then switch to listening via USB from your PC, you’ll have to press the button until sound plays.
For me, this was a little weird. It was like putting a blindfold on and swatting at a pinata.
Yeah, you’ll probably hit it, but it’s a bit of an educated guesstimate. Still, not that big of a deal I suppose.
I’ve only heard a few Amp/DACs thus far that have truly blown me away.
One was the Bryston BHA-1 playing back Over the Hills and Far Away through an original HIFIMAN HE400i.
It was the first time I felt like I was hearing the music in a way that the artists intended.
It had this astonishing realism that I really have yet to experience since in its fullest capacity.
That is until I heard the Mojo.
I got those same sorts of feelings, as every intricate sound came to life and came together in a way that made you go:
“Yeah, this is what music is supposed to sound like.”
I got that same sort of vibe listening to Time by Pink Floyd out of the same Bryston.
It was like David Gilmour’s backing guitars were actually breathing. As if they actually had a life of their own.
With the Mojo, I got this same feeling with the song On Again by Honors.
It was as if the female vocalist was speaking/singing directly to me. That’s how intimate it was.
It felt like she was right in front of me almost, ready to give me a kiss. 😛
I was using the Dan Clark Aeon Flow Closed, which I also highly recommend pairing with the Mojo.
I’ll never look at music the same way again.
Simply put, I enjoyed the Mojo a bit more from a musical standpoint than I did with the Hugo 2.
Hugo 2
The sound of the Hugo is much cleaner and more sterile, but here’s the kicker: it doesn’t necessarily sound better to me.
In fact,
the Hugo is a bit overly cold and clinical.
There are times when you’ll feel as though the soul is sucked out of the music.
In short,
it sometimes comes across as too clean, while the Mojo most certainly has a bit more of a warm-ish tilt due to its higher output impedance.
In theory, the closer to 0 the Output Impedance, the more perfect the signal.
The Hugo is a great example of this concept not quite working out in reality, as its 0.025 number is a bit too low.
For clarification, 0.1 – 0.7 seems to be a great middle-ground in terms of a sound that’s clean and neutral without sucking the life out of everything.
Amps of the past – JDS’s Objective 2 (0.1), the AudioQuest DragonFly Red (0.5), and even some that are still in circulation like JDS’ ATOM, ATOM HEVI, and ATOM 2 (Around 0.7), do a good job of keeping it clean without making music sound like nails on a chalkboard.
- Required Reading: JDS Labs’ ATOM Series: A Look Back To 2018
Unfortunately, the Hugo takes it a bit too far and I think most people would agree here.
While we’re on the subject, let’s look at the Similarities and Differences between them now before giving a final verdict.
Similarities & Differences
- Both provide coax and optical output.
- Both have exceptional build quality, although the Hugo 2 is certainly heavier and clunkier.
- Both are a breeze to set up once you understand how they prefer to be handled. More on that in the Chord Mojo DAC Review! In fact, hooking up the Hugo to my PS4 was a breeze. I basically plugged everything in and it worked immediately without me even having to go into the settings!
- Both support PCM files of up to 768kHz.
- Both are excellent for Gaming.
The Hugo 2 does indeed provide a bit better of a conversion, a little more clarity and detail, and certainly more raw sterility.
Does this make it better? Depends on who you ask. In my opinion, it doesn’t.
It just means it’s a bit cleaner, and maybe not as enjoyable as a Mojo.
The Mojo, while still technically proficient, has a tilt of warmth which makes it immensely more enjoyable in my estimation.
The Mojo is much more affordable for a wider variety of people.
This makes it a logical choice among audiophiles and casual hobbyists alike.
As discussed above, The Hugo 2 has an “input” button to scroll between sources while the Mojo does not.
The Hugo 2 provides RCA/Analog outs while the Mojo does not. This may be important to you depending on what you’re using as a source.
As touched on in the open, The Hugo 2 is much less portable than the Mojo.
I can put the Mojo in my pocket and move around with it quite easily.
The Hugo 2 is much more cumbersome and I wouldn’t really recommend lugging it around, although it is possible.
It’s not huge or anything, but definitely larger than the Mojo.
The Mojo with some of his pals.
Both provide 2 separate headphone jacks, but the Hugo’s is a 1/4″ jack and a 3.5mm one.
The Mojo provides 2 3.5mm jacks.
The Hugo 2 provides an (X-PHD) for adjusting the crossfeed between left and right channels, the input button that we discussed above, a filter button for changing the frequency response, and a power button.
The Mojo provides a power button and volume buttons.
Volume discrepancy
Speaking of volume buttons, the Mojo’s volume controls are in fact buttons while the Hugo 2’s volume control is that large all-seeing eye thing in the center.
You don’t press it; you instead scroll with it using your finger and it changes colors depending on how loud the sound gets. I really liked it!
Going off that, the Hugo 2 looks like some sort of new-age space alien UFO thing. It’s got a strange aesthetic.
The Mojo 2 is a bit less flamboyant but still looks like something out of Austin Powers 😀
Photo Gallery
Final Verdict
The Hugo 2 does provide a bit better micro detail, cleanliness, and air, but it’s a very small difference and it took quite a bit of A/B testing for me to come to that conclusion.
Most people won’t hear that big of a difference in passing, and that’s the honest truth.
It’s my opinion that you should save your money, but should you buy a Mojo?
That’s hard to say.
After thinking it over for quite some time, my previous infatuation with it and how “good” it “sounded” may not have had anything to do with the Amp and everything to do with the Dan Clark Aeon Flow.
That is to say that the Aeon provides one of the most realistic portrayals of music that you’ll ever hear.
The Mojo, in my opinion, and based on my extensive experience with over 74 Amps & DACS, has very little to do with how music sounds.
That said, it provides 98-99% of what the Hugo 2 is capable of at a fraction of the price, so if you can get one under $300, I’d say go for it. Anything over that and I don’t think it’s worth the money.
The Law of Diminishing Returns is something that I write a lot about in my articles, and it’s even more evident in the case of Amps and DACs.
Yes, there are subtle differences between various amps, but by and large, it’s much easier to discern the differences in headphones than anything else in this hobby.
The Hugo 2 seems like it’s trying really hard to impress you at times, and while it doesn’t fall flat, it’s overall less of an enjoyable listen due to its sometimes extreme sense of sterility.
- Related: What is a USB DAC?
In any event, my recommendations today are ATOM 2, FiiO K7, or FiiO K11.
Get the K11 if you don’t need RCA inputs and want a cheaper version of the K5 Pro with a balanced headphone output.
Well, that’s about it for today my friend! I hope you’ve enjoyed this Chord Mojo vs. Hugo 2 Comparison and came away with some valuable insight.
Questions? Comments? Requests? Did I miss the mark on something? Please let me know down below or Contact me!!
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Would you spend over $2,500 on the Hugo? I would love to hear from you. Until next time…
All the best and God bless,
Thanks for your post on Home Studio Basics. I liked the side by side comparison you show for the Chord Mojo vs. Hugo 2; the first thought you get is that the Hugo 2 must be extremely better than the Chord Mojo, especially when you get to the bottom line. Of course, reading your article makes you rethink your initial assessment. Thanks for clarifying that the saying “you get what you pay for” is not necessarily true in these modern times.
Thanks Hugo! I think it’s pretty awesome that you have the same name as an incredibly articulate sounding amp. 😛 Can I call you Hugo 2?
Headphones are my thing when listening to music, and from whatever piece of equipment I want to hear quality performance. I think you summed up the Mojo better than anyone could with this review. Performance and sound over price is what I usually look for in equipment when I am looking for new pieces, and with your review I know now what my choice is going to be when I am ready for a new headphone amplifier! I love the fact that two people can listen at the same time this is a real plus in my book also.
Thanks Susan! Yeah for me the dual headphone outs are extremely valuable when A/B testing headphones. I will probably end up getting a Mojo sometime down the road. It’s just that much better than anything I’ve heard. Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Stuart! I found your article very interesting. You provided a really precise review of Mojo and Hugo 2 components, and I especially I liked the comparison chart. I’m sure this will be helpful for me down the road in deciding which amp to buy. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Luke! Let me know if you ever need some advice moving forward.
Wow this is a very good and detailed review of some great devices. Technology has improved so much now that you can get good quality for a quite reasonable price if you know where to go. I really like your visuals on this article too as it brings your content to life! Thanks.
Thanks Kenny!
Great review on the Mojo! I’ve been in the market myself and hadn’t really read a good review on the Mojo. Kind of pushing me that way after reading. You say it is good for gaming, would you say the cold sound is actually a good thing when it comes to an intense action game?
As far as headphones go, do you have a suggestion for gaming? A preferred headphone if you will?
Great questions Nic!
I would say yes to your first question. I do think a more analytical sound is better for Gaming. That said, I didn’t notice a huge difference when Gaming with these two as much as I did when listening to music. I would just go with the Mojo regardless, but I fully enjoyed my time with the Hugo as well. 🙂
As for the perfect Gaming headphone, what’s your budget? For an entry level I love the Samson SR850 with no amp needed. It provides a pretty incredible Soundstage and had me ripping the headphones off in a panic when watching Garden State, Rushmore, as well as playing Fallout 4. Can’t recommend them enough.
A bit of a step up from that would be something like an AKG K701/K702. Perfect gaming headphones and I’ve talked quite a bit about both: AKG K701 vs. K702
Would also love it if you checked out my comprehensive article on The Best Headphones for Gaming It goes into a lot more detail!
Let me know what you think and thanks for stopping by..
Fortunately, I’ve had the pleasure of using both Mojo and Hugo 2, and I can honestly state that the review here is exactly just as I would describe it. The Hugo 2 has a nice warm tone, but I think the Mojo is a lot more enhanced. That’s probably why I always have the Mojo with me lol.
Anyway, I totally recommend these two, as they’ve both been really helpful products for my little studio at home and they are very much worth every penny. Do you know any other models that provide much more enhanced sounds? I am looking to upgrade my studio and buy new materials.
I wouldn’t call the Hugo’s tone warm, but I do agree that the Mojo seems more fleshed out and natural sounding. To be honest I really don’t think the average person needs to delve any deeper than a Mojo, at least to start. I’ve heard a lot of expensive sounding amps and I can’t honestly say that any one of them sounded that much better. The Bryston BHA-1 was probably my favorite though. The differences in DAC/Amps are a lot more subtle than people would have you believe.
Thanks for this insightful review! it’s been interesting learning about the different qualities in some of the headphones you mentioned.
I expect when you know what your listening for, you can identify the differences in pitch?
The Hugo 2 is very expensive so it’s great to get a review comparison with another product.
With the huge difference in price it’s surprising to see the opposite with regards to quality.
Hey Darren!
Yeah for sure! A great amp like the Mojo or Hugo makes it really easy to identify different low, mid, and high frequencies. For instance I can decipher the mid-bass and sub-bass apart much better than I could with a lower quality DAC/Amp. For me it’s a bit easier distinguishing treble frequencies and the metallic hue that sometimes is a detriment to an otherwise great headphone. The mid-range is a bit harder to evaluate at times outside of the 2-5k area that we’re most sensitive to. Because I have a background as a producer/beatmaker, a great amp is such an asset when I’m trying to really hone in on the perfect amount of impact and weight to a track. That’s why the Mojo is king; it makes the process 100x easier. You simply wouldn’t believe how this amp brings music to life. It’s almost like the artist is there with you at times!
Great review! I love that comparison chart and thanks for your honesty. So often reviewers won’t just come clean that the two products are actually very similar with their bottom line. That actually helps me a lot. I’ve been looking into these exact two products and wasn’t sure if I should shell out the extra bucks and if it’d even be worth it. Thank you!
Thanks Eric! Please keep me posted on your decision.. I would love to help out in any way..
If we don’t hear that big of a difference in passing then I guess the cheaper “Chord Mojo” version is the smarter buy in the short term then?
I like the fact the Mojo will improve sound quality and clarity. Much like the bose stereo systems, I think Chord Mojo may be a nice amp, can’t wait to hear it when mine arrives.
I read through your review as well (of Chord Mojo) and I got to say I am quite impressed, you are VERY comprehensive and thorough.
Thank you very much for introducing me to the Chord Mojo. I am in the market for a new amplifier and I’ll head on over to amazon and see if I can’t purchase one in the next day or so.
No problem David! I would say the Mojo is the better short term AND long term buy. It will keep you more than satisfied for a long time. In all honesty, I’ve heard a lot of amps but the Mojo is one that I wouldn’t consider trading in if I had it. It’s that good. Keep me posted and let me know how you like it!
Serious audiophiles will appreciate your honest review after testing both of these. For people who demand detail in the type of sound they are either working with or enjoying – your notes are important for making the right purchase. When time is money – I think you make a great case for the Mojo over the expensive Hugo – and love your note about Poly. It is not often that reviews elicit a giggle! You make a great point that serves the reader well when trying to make this difficult decision. For Professionals in sound – I can see spending on the Hugo, but for the casual user I can see that the Mojo is sufficient…and when folks are ready for the “girlfriend” – bump it up later with Poly. 😉
Thanks for stopping by Casey!
I agree that for the majority of people, the Mojo will be just fine as the level of detail is the same. The Hugo is so extremely sterile and I think that may turn off some people. It kind of has this tendency to try and become too perfect, resulting in a loss of character and a sort of human element in the process. Still a fantastic Amp/DAC but I don’t think it’s worth all that extra money.
Wow these products certainly have a huge price difference (about $1500) and you are saying that the Mojo is a better buy than the Hugo 2.
It’s great to read honest reviews like this because most people would just promote the more expensive item, and you are giving the cheaper one the thumbs up.
I would love to set up my own mini sound studio at home to listen to my music and have it sounding good. What would you say the most important and the first piece of equipment is that one should invest in for this project? I want to start small, but still want the sound to be good.
Hey Michel!
I would say the most important part of an audio chain, outside of the computer itself, is the Audio Interface. This functions as a DAC (Digital to Analog Converter) so it converts the 1’s and 0’s that your PC understands into Analog that you hear through headphones or speakers.
So: An Interface like the Scarlett 2i2 also can be used as a headphone amp/DAC, it can power your microphone via 48v Phantom Power, it can power studio monitors, and you can use it to record instruments. It’s the best investment I think. I’ve had one since 2014 and I can’t justify selling it no matter how many times I’ve tried. Lol.
Hope that helps! Let me know..
Thanks for stopping by!
Great review! I love that comparison chart and thanks for your honesty. the Mojo is my favourite.The fact that the Mojo will improve sound quality and clarity is something that my son has been wanting in an Amp/DAC for awhile now. I think I’m going to order it for his birthday gift!
You helped a lot by describing those two and the way you made a good comparison between Hugo2 and Chord Mojo.
Thank you for such informative review.
Best regards
No problem Julienne!
Please keep me posted on your decision. If you do end up getting it for him he’ll basically never disobey you ever again. LOL.
Hi All,
This is Andrew Benjamin, a former writer for The Absolute Sound. I agree with the review here to a T.
May I add that two items will enhance the Mojo’s sound to a significant degree.
1. Curious USB wire from Australia
2, iFi USB 3.0 reclocker, USB interface, conditioner and power supply that will drive the Mojo directly.
These provide a significant, audible improvement, launching the Mojo’s sound against multi thousand dollar DACS. Remember, the Mojo is not expensive mostly because it doesn’t need a fancy regulated power supply. The PS is the major cost in most high end equipment.
Lastly, I still look forward to the Mark II, if it ever appears. However, in the general I see no advantage for spending a cent more than the Mojo with the two items I listed above.
We are living in the Golden Age of Audio. Lastly, remember Amazon Unlimited streaming. It’s downright fantastic!
Cheers all
Thanks Andrew!
That should definitely help a lot of people out. I still really love the Mojo. Lately I’ve been kind of getting sick of Amps & DACs because I mostly think they sound more ore less the same. The Mojo and Bryston BHA-1 are 2 examples of Amps that are clearly better than a lot of what I’ve heard in the lower tiered categories. While a lot of those had very very subtle differences (if any), the Mojo was a clear upgrade in terms of sound. It just makes music sound more natural, organic, smooth, and .. musical. It’s hard to describe but you know it when you hear it.
Do you still write for any other audio websites nowadays?
Case Description: Hi, this is a question I’ve seen a few times In forums, e.g. HeadHifi, that backs up what I have been seeing (listening) in my tests: Why pairing kse 1200 with Hugo 2 doesn’t yield a better sound than mojo? The difference between them is huge when testing with coils speakers (and I would expect the same with conventional headphones), but nothing noticeable happens when comparing them with the KSE 1200. Is it something to do with the KSE 1200 amplifier? Maybe Mojo benefits from it to leverage a better sound than when it used its own amplifier to power non-electrostatic headphones? I’m just guessing here but I would be very interested in your opinion about it. Thanks very much.
Hey man! So are you saying the Mojo paired with the KSE1200 sounds noticeably better than a Hugo paired with the KSE1200?
Mojo is a fantastic value for money device even in 2021, yes the Hugo 2 is better but not by the significant price difference. The latter is cleaner, more etched and definitely an improvement of around 20% but every time I go back to the mojo I am not unhappy and that’s a very important point to consider before you spend your hard earned cash
Yeah! And I would go even further in saying that I didn’t really enjoy the sound of the Hugo even though it was technically superior on paper I guess. I just liked the sound of the Mojo better. That’s not to say I don’t enjoy more neutral amp/dacs, but the Hugo seemed to me like it was trying too hard.
Hi…. thx for you review great, great.. what about mojo 1 and mojo 2 ? Worth to jump from mojo 1 to mojo 2 ?
Thanks stuart
Thank you, Chris! I haven’t heard the Mojo 2 yet but I definitely plan to check it out soon. I will let you know!
I love the Hugo 2 although it was sent back to the manufacturer once because the on/off contact stopped working. I’d prefer a regular switch as the globe button/contact becomes fragile & stops functioning after too many pushes.
Sorry to hear that but glad it’s in working order now. Do you think the Hugo is a tad too sterile?